Volcan Poas, Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Tectonic Setting
Tectonic Setting Cont. Rate of plate movement = 10cm per year Classic subduction zone Volcanic island arc that has merged into a solid land mass 42 active volcanoes at this convergent boundary
Composition of Lava Felsic to mafic Lava Strata volcano contains multiple layers and types of lava Lavas are Basalts and Andesites
Volcanic History Still active! Most recent eruption in 2011 Has erupted 39 times since 1828 Has Lava that has been dated to 40,000 years old
Volcanic History Cont. Lake Botos Last erupted 7500bc
Probable Volcanic Future Active convergent boundary Moving at 10cm/year Temperature of crater is increasing Will most likely erupt many more times
Effects on Earth System Could result in many deaths b/c of proximity to Alajuela, Costa Rica Pyroclastic eruption could cause changes in weather Growth of volcanic mountains causes rain shadow and cloud forest.
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