Advancing Knowledge FOLDER 4 Advancing Knowledge A COMMUNAL HABIT OF MIND Strive to help students “regard themselves and their work as part of the civilization wide effort to advance knowledge frontiers.” — Natural Curiosity ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE FRONTIERS
Advancing Knowledge FOLDER 4 Advancing Knowledge Expertise and knowledge are exchanged within and between communities. Symmetrical knowledge advancement results from this “give-and-take” of knowledge. — Principles of KB Scardamalia 2002, KB Trajectories Law 2005 SYMMETRIC KNOWLEDGE ADVANCEMENT A COMMUNAL HABIT OF MIND
Advancing Knowledge FOLDER 4 Advancing Knowledge Knowledge building is a pervasive, continuous process of learning, both in and out of school, rather than an activity relegated to particular occasions or subject areas. — Principles of KB Scardamalia 2002, KB Trajectories Law 2005 PERVASIVE KNOWLEDGE BUILDING A COMMUNAL HABIT OF MIND
Advancing Knowledge FOLDER 4 Advancing Knowledge A COMMUNAL HABIT OF MIND INDICATORS FOR RELEVANT KB PRINCIPLES FOUND IN KB DISCOURSE Exchange and share expertise among groups, co-construct knowledge across teams Transfer KB way of thinking and acting (higher order thinking and social skills) in a collaborative manner to other subjects or situations in and out of school — Principles of KB Scardamalia 2002, KB Trajectories Law 2005