Jeopardy HodgepodgeAchievements of Islam Hodgepodge 2World MapVocabulary
Language that was spoke by the people Living in the Islamic Empire
This stopped the spread of Islam into the rest of Western Europe
What three continents did the Islamic Empire hold land on at its height?
Name two Judeo-Christian prophets that Muslims accept
City where Muhammad began to spread Islam after being forced from his home
Bonus (20 points) - City it is located The building where Muslims believe Muhammad ascended into heaven
A collection of Arabic folk tales also known as “One hundred and one nights”
An elegant form of writing developed by the Muslims
Used this form of art work from the Byzantines which consist of clay and glass
Muslims borrowed these two Architectural features from the Byzantine empire to create their Mosque
After the split of Islam, this group believed Only those descendants of Ali and Muhammad Could be caliph
After the split of Islam, this group believed that the leader of the Islam community could be any good Muslim
Religion founded by Muhammad And Translates to “To submit to the will of God” in Arabic.
First caliph
What country was the only territory held by The Muslims in Western Europe?
Kami is associated with Which religion Mediterranean
Which religion believed in a well educated Government? Asia
Which religion is the Yin and Yang Associated with? Spain
Holy text of Islam
Peninsula that Islam was started on.
List the five pillars of Islam
When churches split it is known as:
Means “inner struggle” Or “holy war”.