Types of Software Chapter 2
Contents This presentation covers the following: Operating System User Interface Utility Application Software
Basic Layering Hardware Operating System Utilities Applications Software Programming Languages This diagram generalises how software is layered in terms of its use in a system. The hardware is at the core of any system.
Operating System The Operating System (OS) is software which is used to control hardware. Hardware is not able to run on its own. It needs instructions from software. It is a partnership in a sense that hardware needs software for it to run properly and software needs hardware so that it can run properly.
Operating System It will manage hardware resources such as memory allocation, processing requirements, data storage and peripheral devices. It also manages things like keyboard and mouse inputs, sending outputs to the correct device.
Operating System There are many different OS systems also; Windows, Linux, BEOS.
User Interface The user interface is the system by which a user can interact with a system. The common formats include: Menu Driven Form Command Line Natural Language
User Interface User interfaces are often called GUIs (Graphical User Interface). Some GUIs are known as WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers) interfaces. Not all GUIs use WIMP interfaces, but may use some aspects of WIMP.
Utility These small programs assist the OS with monitoring and maintaining a system. Utility applications are often included with OS software including: Virus Checking Firewalls File Compression Software Disk cleanup and Defragmenter
Application Software These programs allow the user to perform tasks and solve problems. These types of software application include: Word Processors Databases Spreadsheets Graphic Packages Programming Language Applications
Take Note: What is the role of the operating system? Identify two different types of application software. Describe two different user interfaces. What does WIMP stand for? What is a GUI? Describe two different utility programmes. How could a library make use of a spreadsheet, database and world processor?