Parent Informational Meeting
Annie Jr. Musical comedy based on the Broadway version of Annie, shortened for young audiences. Has many characters and can be adapted to casts from 31 on up! Is about an hour in length. Will be performed on March 9 &10, 2016!
The Commitment Rehearsals will be held on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Students should be picked up no later than 5:00. Additional small group rehearsals for various scenes will in February. This will occur during recess or possibly before school. We will notify you a week prior. Pick up the commitment form TODAY.
Ensemble Roles Students who wish to have the theater experience, but are not interested in a speaking part, can sign up for one of three ensemble roles: Orphan Chorus, New Yorker Chorus, Warbucks Servant Chorus Students should place their name on the list provided TODAY and mark their 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd choice.
Ensemble Roles Continued Ensembles wear costumes, sing, dance and are fully participating members of the cast. Students who audition but are not offered a speaking part will become part of an ensemble. There is a section of the audition card regarding ensemble roles.
Auditions Auditions are held for those students who are interested in a speaking part. Auditions are held in the multipurpose room on November 30 th & December 1 st from 7:45-9:00 a.m. Students will be assigned a day and should arrive at 7:45 a.m. They will be watching another version of the play in the Library, while waiting for their audition. Please return the contract and audition/ensemble sign-up by Monday, November 23 rd.
Auditions Auditions are ‘closed’ – only the student and the auditioning teachers are in the room. Auditions are scored by a small group of teachers on the rubric. The audition committee’s decisions are final.
Auditions Auditions have two parts: -23 bars of Tomorrow -read one character’s lines with a teacher Audition materials should be picked up today.
The Audition Card Please fill this out and return by Monday, November 23 rd. We will then assign your child one of the two audition dates. Stage Crew and Ensemble do not have to audition.
Auditions After everyone has auditioned, the teachers will meet to discuss the cast and assign roles. Parts with Solo Vocal songs/ Vocal Lines Speaking Lines OnlyChoral Groups AnnieMiss HanniganBundles McCloskeyServants MollyGraceApple SellerOrphans TessieWarbucksDog CatcherNew-Yorkers JulyStar-to-beDrake DuffyLillyCecille KateRoosterAnnette PepperMrs. Greer Sandy?Mrs. Pugh Lt. Ward -UNDERSTUDIES
The Cast List The list will be posted online: by 4:30 p.m. Thursday December 3 rd. Please talk about this with your child before they are posted.
The Commitment Form Each cast member will receive a parent and student commitment form. Pay special attention to the attendance policy. The form should be filled out and returned by, Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Parent Involvement We need it! Help your child memorize and rehearse any lines and songs BEFORE they are scheduled to be rehearsed. Memorize ‘cue lines’ also. Be sure that your child is picked up by 5:00 p.m. We need to leave by 5:00 p.m.! Share any good ideas you have!
Immediate Needs Sign up to volunteer –Publicity/Photography –Programs –Construction Sets –Art design for props –Star for a Star –Costume Assistance – Professional Shopper?! –Prop support –Other special gifts you have we haven’t even thought of…
Costumes Depending on the character, you will be asked to provide your child’s costume or some portion of it. Take advantage of after-Halloween sales! THRIFT SHOPS (for most costumes we anticipate the cost will be 25 dollars or less.) ebay
Communication Please both of us on all communications. One of us will respond. Contact us with questions. Keep us ‘in the loop’ regarding travel, illnesses, etc.