Accessibility Features in
To make the computer accessible to people of ALL abilities. Why do we have accessibility features on the computer?
In the Ease of Access Center located in the Control Panel of your computer. Where can I find the accessibility features in Windows Vista?
A centralized location on your computer where you can adjust accessibility settings and programs. What is the Ease Of Access Center?
Start Control Panel Ease of Access Ease of Access Center How do I get to the Ease of Access Center?
Quick access to common tools Get recommendations Explore all settings What will I find in the Ease of Access Center?
Narrator Magnifier On-screen keyboard High contrast Quick Access to Common Tools What are the most commonly used features?
What is on the screen Contents of active windows Menu items Text that you have typed Narrator Text-to-speech program that reads:
Set magnification level up to 16X Set position of dock Invert colors Tracking Magnifier Magnifies a portion of the screen in a separate screen
Click, hover, or scan Keyboard options Change font On-screen Keyboard Alternative to traditional keyboard
Set color scheme Choose effects High Contrast Heightens color contrast of some text and images
Eyesight Dexterity Hearing Speech Reasoning tasks Recommendations Optional questionnaire to assist in selecting appropriate accessibility options
Links to Online Accessibility Demos Ease of Access Center Make the computer easier to see Use the computer without a display Make the keyboard easier to use Make the mouse easier to use Explore all Settings
Control without a mouse or keyboard Use text or visual alternatives for sounds Make it easier to focus on tasks Windows speech recognition Make the internet easier to use Explore all Settings Links to Online Accessibility Demos
Dictate documents and s Navigate the Internet Command applications and operating system by “saying what you see” Speech Recognition Speech-to-text
Accessibility Features in For more information: EGUSD AT Blog