April 17 1.Perform Rain Poems 2.Review Poetry Terms 3.Read and write a List Poem AA 1.C-notes: Poetry Terms 2.List poem 3.Vocab 28 MDGR: due Friday Poetry Terms (not in blood) TOPIC: Poetry Terms (not in blood) Identifying, Applying LEVEL: Identifying, Applying
SPEAKER the “voice” of the poem like the narrator, in fiction speaker ≠ poet
DICTION the poet’s word choices analyzed for effect on mood, sounds, images, and ideas
IMPLIED NARRATIVE DRAMATIC SITUATION what’s “happening” in the poem the tension or conflict
theme message, philosophy
imagery Language that creates “things” for the reader to see smell touch taste hear
allusion a reference to a literary work or event outside the poem
irony When things are weirdly (awesomely) different than one would expect situational (chicken in front of KFC) verbal (sarcasm and more) dramatic (you know your bff’s boyfriend is cheating, but she doesn’t)
tone the mood, atmosphere, attitude, feeling or voice created by the sounds, images, and ideas
List Poem 1.Must be at least 15 lines long (several words per line). 2.Must include... sound device(s) x 2 (same or different) imagery x 2 irony: a twist (see directions on worksheet)
List Poem Models 1.“50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” by Paul Simon 2.“88 Lines About 44 Women” by The Nails 3.“Adolescence—III” by Rita Dove page 1238