Unit 15
objectives The adverbial clause 1. of place introduced by where 2. of condition introduced by unless 3. of cause introduced by because 4. of cause introduced by since 5. of concession introduced by though
Language Structure Practice (1 课时 ) 1. Put … where there is … 2. He will not … unless … 3. … because … But since …, … 4. Even though …, …
Dialogues (2 课时 ) Dialogue 1 Broad questions Questions on specific details Main idea Language teaching points and practice Dialogue 2 Explanations Substitution practice
Readings (2 课时 ) Reading 1 Sample questions New words and phrases Language teaching points Reading 2 Sample questions Language teaching points
Language points reserve v. put aside or keep sth for a later occasion or special use; have or keep ; retain; order or set aside for use, book e.g. The seats are reserved for special guests. I reserve the right to disagree. Reserve tickets/rooms/table scatter v. move usu quickly, in different directions; throw sth in different directions, put here and there. e.g. to scatter gravel on an icy road The tourists scattered about the town. The police scattered the crowd.
minor a. smaller; less serious, less important e.g. a minor injury/fault/operation reward n. recompense for work, merit or service. e.g. get nothing in reward for one ’ s hard work His efforts were rewarded by success die out : no longer have any members left alive e.g The moth ’ s habits is being destroyed and it has nearly died out. The old tradition is dying out.
Guided Writing (1 课时 ) Paragraph writing Note to keep in touch with a friend
Background Information Wolong Nature Reserve The London Underground
1.Wolong Nature Reserve A Safe Place in the Mountains The Wolong Nature Reserve is located high in the mountains of western China's Sichuan Province. It was set up in Wolong is home to over 6,000 species of plants and animals. It is one of the last protected homes of the giant panda, red panda, takin, and golden snub-nose monkey. Wolong contains lush deciduous and evergreen temperate forests and high, ice-covered mountains. Wolong is a UNESCO “ Man & Biosphere ” protected area.giant panda,evergreentemperate forestsUNESCO
Wolong Nature Reserve The Wolong Nature Reserve has four general regions: 1.Mountain slopes covered in deciduous and coniferous forests as well as bamboo grovesdeciduous coniferousbamboo 2.River valleys, where most of the people live and farm 3.High alpine slopes above the tree line where wildflowers grow and yaks livealpine 4.20 glacier-covered mountain peaks over 4,000 m above sea levelglacier 4,000 m
READING I The London Underground, or 'the Tube' as it is universally known to Londoners, is normally the quickest and easiest way of getting round London.
Piccadilly Circus Piccadily Circus One of London ’ s most famous streets the neon signs on Piccadilly Circus make a well known image of London and the area attracts millions of visitors each year. Piccadilly Circus is in the heart of London ’ s West End and sits at the junction of five of Londons busiest streets, as such it is close to all the major shopping and clubbing locations of the area. Central to the location is a bronze fountain topped by the figure of a winged archer. The statue is known as EROS.
Piccadilly Circus
READING II LONDON BUSES The AEC Routemaster needs no introduction. It is either the classic London bus of all time or a dinosaur, depending on your taste (or your age). There are still the two "heritage “ routes with Route masters in London, although they finished on regular routes at the end of 2005.
red double-deckers