How to Handle Angry Customers
Understand The Complaint Remain calm Adjust your mindset Don’t fight back
Listen Actively Give the customer undivided attention Listen for answers What made them upset What do they want What can you do
Sympathize Show empathy Show you are trying to help Be understandable
Apologize Be genuinely sorry this happened to them Can go a long way Hopefully the customer will cool down Obtain management if need be
Moving Forward Offer a solution or solutions Make the customer happy Give out any deals
Ask For Feedback What would he/she like to have done Is there an outcome to make them satisfied See that it gets done
Take Action Immediately Ensure problem is resolved Don’t put it off Give out contact info if wanted
Follow Up Give the customer a call Is everything going smoothly Go the extra mile
Positive Effects of Good Customer Service
Loyalty Ultimate goal of customer service Give respect get respect Customers feel appreciated
Word Of Mouth Happy customers Spread positivity Best form of advertising Can spread like crazy
Profits Customers are coming back Investing more into the business Allowing to further in growth
Spend Less On Marketing The business will be more well-known Save money
Better Work Environment Customer service begins with you Internal customers want to come to work Employees feel acknowledged/comfortable More responsibility in the business
Enhanced Efficiency Primary goal for a business owner Increased customer confidence Employees will feel like winners if they know they’re doing a good job