Rate increases are never easy to communicate Sarah Rossi Customer Relations & Services Manager Clatskanie PUD or
Nobody wants to hear about rate increases The most difficult part of our jobs as communicators: getting the point across effectively even when it is a difficult subject. It does not matter if your utility has the highest residential rates in the state or the lowest. People only care about how the increase cost will affect them personally. Most customers/members will tune out your messages about why the rate increase is needed, they just focus on how much of an increase it will be on their bill.
Be consistent and direct Graphs and pictures help, too!
Repetition and Multi Media In today’s world we have to produce multiple messages: print (Ruralite/Newsletters), newspaper press releases, website notices, Facebook posts, tweets on Twitter, etc….
Even with the lowest rates in Oregon, we have irate customers when we mention a rate increase. The current rate increase is my 10 th one to communicate. (8 in 11 years at West Oregon Electric Cooperative, and 2 at Clatskanie PUD)