State Test Review This is a comprehensive study guide to be used for the state test. The material in this power point covers every question on the test.


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Presentation transcript:

State Test Review This is a comprehensive study guide to be used for the state test. The material in this power point covers every question on the test. If you study this carefully and understand the information you should be able to pass the test with a high grade.

State Test Information Library Use of Bright beam lights. In open country driving. City driving Drive slowly, yield to pedestrians, look at least 12 seconds ahead Diamond shaped sign Construction or warning Not stopping for a pedestrian in a crosswalk has a fine of $500, up to 25 days in jail, 6 months License suspension, 2 points and community service To reduce your chances of having an accident use the standard accident prevention formula; Be Alert, Be Prepared, Act in Time If a motorist is passing you: you should slow down and make it easier for them to pass

State Test library If a large truck or bus cannot see you in their rearview mirror you are in their NO- ZONE or blind spot How much longer does it take for a truck to stop in bad weather 25% longer to stop Child safety seats belong in the rear seat Parking rule for a fire hydrant is 10’ Keep a safe distance: to decrease reaction time, get a clear view of the road, have time to react to emergencies Parking for a stop sign is 50’

State test Headlights should be on in daylight hours when it is raining and your wipers are on 3 second plus rule helps you keep a safe distance Braking distance on dry roads at 60 mph = 300 ft. When approaching a curve your vehicle wants to keep going straight

State test Information Library GDL GDL Special Learner Permit Requirements (under 21) before receiving a PROBATIONARY LICENSE Pass knowledge, vision and road tests, and completed 6 months of supervised driving without any postponements or suspensions. A Special learner Permit must be purchased by an approved instructor Probationary period is 2 years starts at age 16 and end at age 18 Probationary driver program: convicted of 2 or more moving violations totaling 4 or more points Address change must be reported to MVC in 1 week You are a Probationary driver for 2 years Road test vehicle can’t have any obstructions or consoles separating the driver from the tester

GDL Restrictions Fine for violation is $100 and possible suspension Driving hrs. permit or probationary driver: You may drive from 5:01am to 11:00pm, You may not drive from 11:01pm to 5:00am Passenger restrictions for a probationary driver: dependents and one additional passenger unless with parent Decals: red reflective on front and rear license plates No hand held or hands free cell phones or electronic devices 21 years or older have NO RESTRICTIONS Basic License at 18 yrs after completion of all probationary requirements no suspensions

GDL Altering a driver’s license penalty is a suspension, fine and up to six months imprisonment Applying for a license illegally – license suspension, Fine of $200 - $500 and/or imprisonment A 17 year old driver has a probationary period of 1 year, It ends on the 18 th birthday after completing a year of suspension free driving. Before practice driving can begin the GDL driver must have; a valid registration, valid insurance and a valid permit from MVC School, business and residential speed limit is 25 MPH Lost or stolen license should be reported to the police When backing up (driving in reverse) turn completely around to the right and look out the rear window

State test The requirements for obtaining a probationary license are; passing the knowledge and vision and road test, age of 17, 6 months supervised driving with no suspensions or postponement.

State Test Library (registration/turning) A NJ registered vehicles must have LIABILITY insurance Address change must be reported in 1 week Hand signals – straight out = left turn Out and up = right turn, down = stop Signals should be used when – Turning, stopping, changing lanes Passing on the Right is allowed when – a motorist is turning left and there is room to pass. You will get an insurance Surcharge if: you get a D.U.I., (Liquor or drugs) Refusing the Breath Test

State Test If you sell your car and don’t need you license plate, retun them to the MVC or send them to Trenton Before making a turn the driver must; be in the proper lane, signal at least 100 feet before turning Using your seat belt keeps you from sliding off the seat, from hitting the windshield and being thrown from the car. You must stop for the following; pedestrians at all times, school buses on public streets with flashing red lights, and emergency vehicles. For emergency vehicles pull over to the extreme right and stop.

State Test library (Alcohol) Driving under the influence of intoxicating beverages means: The driver’s senses and judgments are impaired by alcohol The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is: Don’t drive after drinking

State test library continued The only way to sober up is: Time Crash Probability BAC.05% = Risk Doubles BAC.10% = Risk is 6x’s greater BAC.15% = Risk is 25x’s greater 1 twelve ounce can of beer = 1 five ounce glass of wine = one 1 and ½ ounce drink of whisky

State test library continued Other drugs that affect driving are: cold pills, tranquilizers, prescription medications BAC factors are: your weight, amount you drink, how fast you drink After 2 to 4 drinks alcohol begins to impair: reaction time, coordination and balance and judgments The implied consent law states that if you are suspected of drinking and driving you must submit to a breath test.

State Test Library (D.U.I) Driving on public property to avoid a traffic control signal or sign penalty: 2 point moving violation BAC level under 21 for D.U.I. is.01% this is the smallest amount of BAC a person can have (don’t be fooled) Involved in an accident causing injury while driving with a suspended license: More suspension, Fine, possible JAIL

D.U.I. Fines for violations in a Safe Corridor or construction work zone are DOUBLED. If your License is suspended you may not drive for any reason until the suspension ends and your license is restored The Probationary period after having your license restored is 1 YEAR You will receive an insurance surcharge for the following; driving without a license, D.U.I. or drug relate offense or refusing the breath test and driving without liability insurance H e a d l i g h t s o n i n d a y l i g h t h o u r s w h e n y o u r h e a d l i g h t s a n d w i p e r s a r e o n 3 s e c o n d p l u s r u l e h e l p s y o u k e e p a s a f e d i s t a n c e B r a k i n g d i s t a n c e o n d r y r o a d s a t 6 0 m p h = f t. W h e n a p p r o a c h i n g a c u r v e y o u r v e h i c l e w a n t s t o k e e p g o i n g s t r a i g h t

D.U.I. You may get a fine for any of the following: Failure to remove snow and ice, leaving a vehicle idling for more than 3 minutes, violating the move over law Host liability law: if a person drinks too much in your home an has an accident you can be involved in a lawsuit The penalty for refusing the breath test is equal to a D.U.I. offense BAC of.10% the surcharge is $1,000/year for 3 years

State test Ages 13 to 21 you may have your license suspended or postponed for the following; buying alcohol or D.U.I., graffiti, or setting false alarms

State test library (Signs and signals) Diamond = Construction or warning At a multi-way stop, if you stop at the same time as another driver yield to the driver on the right. Nearing an uncontrolled intersection ( no signs or signals): slow down and be prepared to stop Right Turn on Red Law: No sign, make a full stop, check traffic and pedestrians before proceeding

Signs Octagon means STOP must park 50’ away Black and yellow circle means Railroad crossing Order of the traffic light top to bottom is red, yellow, green Triangle means Yield Railroad crossing with flashing lights: Stop at least 15’ from the crossing Double yellow centerline means NO PASSING is ALLOWED

Sharing the road with trucks Trucks have large “No Zones” (Blind spots) Driver can’t see you Stay far enough back so you can see the driver in his side mirror 3b things to remember about trucks 1-they make wider turns 2- leave more space behind them 3- Maintain constant speed when passing

State test Library (Sharing the Road) Sharing the road with Trucks and buses remember: They make wide turns, leave more space when stopping behind them, maintain constant speed while passing them Also remember their limitations: visibility, stopping distance and maneuverability Be cautious in open country driving looking out for livestock or deer

Sharing Acceleration Lane: An extra lane at a highway entrance If you miss an exit on the highway: Go to the next exit Stopping behind a large truck: stay far enough back so the driver can see you in his rearview mirror When passing a truck remember you are in his NO- ZONE the driver can’t see you

sharing A deceleration lane is: an extra lane at a highway exit An acceleration lane is an extra lane at an entrance to a highway The NO-ZONE or blind spot is the area where the bus or truck driver can’t see you

State test When sharing the road with trucks and buses you should know the following; give them more room to turn, stop farther back behind them, maintain constant speed when passing You must yield to the following; emergency vehicles, buses re-entering the road and vehicles already in the intersection

State Test Library (Weather) SKID – Take your foot off the gas pedal At 35 MPH wet roads may cause your tires to HYDROPLANE and you loose control of the car After driving through a deep puddle you should test your brakes To avoid a spin, while in a skid, turn in the same direction the vehicle is skidding Truck stopping distance in ADVERSE CONDITION is 25% longer Headlights must be used ½ hr. after sunset until ½ hr. before sunrise or if visibility is less than 500’ At night be able to stop within the distance you can see ahead Snow covered road following distance should be 6 seconds or more

State Test Drive through a Deep Puddle Test Your Brakes To avoid HYDROPLANING Slow down and drive on the highest part of the road 3 second plus rule is for maintaining proper (safe) following distance. This gives the driver time to react to emergencies. If your car begins to skid take your foot off the gas pedal Road surfaces are most slippery during the first few minutes of a rainfall The best way to “talk to other drivers is to use your horn, lights and hand signals

State test When entering a curve your car wants to keep going straight. Slow down before you enter the curve.

State test Wheels drift to the shoulder; slow down, turn steering wheel slightly towards the road Brakes fail; shift to low gear, pump brakes several times Gas pedal sticks; shift to neutral, steer the vehicle off the roadway Flat tire/Blowout; slow down gradually by taking foot off gas Parking on a hill; downhill curb or no curb turn toward the curb or grass, uphill no curb turn toward the grass, uphill with a curb turn wheels away from the curb