Asian Judges Symposium on Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Decision- Making, the Rule of Law, and Environmental Justice The Asian Development Bank Manila 28 th - 29 th July 2010 Asian Judges Symposium on Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Decision- Making, the Rule of Law, and Environmental Justice The Asian Development Bank Manila 28 th - 29 th July 2010
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Contribution of the French Government
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Mr Jean-Philippe Rivaud Deputy Prosecutor General Court of appeal of Amiens – France Former judge
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice The French environment law at a glance
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice An ancient field of the French law
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice An ancient field of the French law Civil Code « Code Napoleon » 1804
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice An ancient field of the French law Civil Code « Code Napoleon » 1804 First significant law (about hazardous installations) 1917
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice The environmental law is growing very fast since the seventies
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice We now have a massive Code of Environmental law
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Including increasing european and international legal provisions
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Including increasing european and international legal provisions e.g. # 1 Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of on the environmental liability
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Including increasing european and international legal provisions e.g. # 1 Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of on the environmental liability e.g. # 2 Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of on the protection of the environment through the criminal lax
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Including increasing european and international legal provisions As well as amendments of the Constitution
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Including increasing european and international legal provisions As well as amendments of the Constitution Charter of the environment of 2004
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Charter of the environment of 2004 Inserted in the Preamble of the Constitution of 4 th October 1958
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Article 1 : right to a balanced environment respectful of the health
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Article 1 : right to a balanced environment respectful of the health Article 4 : obligation to repair the damages to the environment
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Article 1 : right to a balanced environment respectful of the health Article 4 : obligation to repair the damages to the environment Article 7 : right to get informations from the public authorities
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Article 1 : right to a balanced environment respectful of the health Article 4 : obligation to repair the damages to the environment Article 7 : right to get informations from the public authorities Article 8 : right to access to education in the field of the environment
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Since the nineties, the Government is improving the education of the judges and the prosecutors in this field
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Since the nineties, the Government is improving the education of the judges and the prosecutors in this field And strengthens its policy in the field of the environmental criminal law
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Essential circular of the Ministry of Justice of to the Prosecutors
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Essential circular of the Ministry of Justice of to the Prosecutors Requiring the reorganization of the prosecutor's offices all over the national territory as well as in the oversea territories
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice One prosecutor in charge of the environmental crimes department In each Court of justice
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Dedicated hearings in the field of the environmental criminal law
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Dedicated hearings in the field of the environmental criminal law 2 Courts (Paris & Marseille) have jurisdiction for the most important cases e.g. international trafficking of wastes
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice 2 Courts (Paris & Marseille) have jurisdiction for the most important cases e.g. international trafficking of wastes 3 Courts have jurisdiction for the sea pollutions Mediterranean sea : Marseilles Atlantic Ocean : Brest The Channel : Le Havre
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice These Courts come with specialized teams of judges and prosecutors Dealing with dedicated police units As the OCLAESP (national unit created in 2004, investigating the most important criminal cases)
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Importants efforts are made to improve the skills of the judges and the prosecutors Training sessions implemented by the National School for the Judiciary ( Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature )
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice Thank you so much for paying attention
Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Adjudication, Green Courts and Tribunals, and Environmental Justice The end
Amiens Unesco World Heritage
Amiens located in the green region of Picardy The bay of Somme, on the Channel's sea side