1 Live like Your Life Depends on it. Advancing the Message Section of Chronic Disease Prevention & Nutrition Services
2 Missouri’s Health Concerns Chronic disease burden Missouri has higher rates compared to US Chronic Diseases—higher rates in age 45+ compared to 18+ Risks factors a concern even though rates decrease for smoking and obesity for older adults 80% of older adults have at least one chronic condition, 50% have at least two By 2020, 20% of Missourians will be over 65
3 Health Messaging Concerns Competing messages Finite funds to provide pro-health message Difficult to motivate behavioral changes Public education only one tactic that must be used in combination with others
4 Outcomes desired Increased number of adolescents and adults whose physical activity levels, eating habits and weight meet recommended standards Increases number of adults who practice desired prevention and control behaviors Increased numbers communicating common messages
5 Our Approach Select target audience Complement other interventions and programs Use media experts and formative research to tailor for target population. Unify multiple program efforts Build on common ground—establish common prompts for action
6 Our Approach, continued Base on evidence Deliver compelling messages Engage partners in design and implementation Provide campaign resources and materials Report results—accountability Complement other interventions & programs Evaluate
7 Design Criteria Focus on positive, do not isolate or create negative attitude regarding those that are obese, overweight or have a chronic disease Messages are evidence-based, relevant to audience, simple, clearly describe desired action
8 Using the Experts Media Cross University of Missouri School of Journalism Hughes Partners & Their Public Info Staff
9 Audience Research Campaign targets adults 45+ y.o. Formative research shows: Missourians continue high-risk behaviors Clear barriers that cause complacency among target audience (e.g., time, physical health) Must increase confidence and control Doctors influential followed by family and friends
10 Focus Group Feedback Preferences validated Messages tested Execution approaches tested
11 Analysis & Selection Live like Your Life Depends on it.
12 Ramping Up For Success Collaborative use of existing networks and communication avenues Materials web-based, can be co-branded and produced to complement existing program and activities Radio and print ads augment activities Complement partner and community programs and related activities
13 Pilot Phase ( ) Limited promotion Agency directed activities Fixed distribution problems Tracked activities Collected Baseline data
14 Live Like Your Life Depends On It Priority Messages for the first phase: Eat Smart Move More Be Tobacco Free Get Recommended Health Screenings
15 State Expansion (12/07+) Compiled strategic plan with partners Expand materials for segments of target audience Adding supports for different settings Adding public website Enhancing communications Promote Campaign
16 Community Expansion (1/08+) Kansas City Area Partner forms Evolving supports for communities Updates Coordination Message Board
Activities Expand materials for population segments Enhance message dissemination (e.g., TV, tailored internet) Evaluate and enhance based on results Continue to maintain and expand partnerships Partner and Public Website Updates
Activities, continued Maintain distribution and dissemination system Enhance community implementation phase Secure funding and resources to support initiative Adding Adolescent campaign Evaluation
19 For more information: Contact Deborah Markenson, Jeanie Bryant, Sherri Homan, January 2008