Why sign up to have a buddy? Offers an alternative avenue for support and information Gives you someone to speak to about things you are unsure about or stressed/worried about Will help you settle into life at Glasgow University Meet new people and make new friends Provides peer support so you don’t feel pressured to talk to someone in an official capacity, which could be intimidating Will help alleviate some of the initial anxiety and pressures of starting a PhD- they can share their own experiences with you so you know you are not alone
Having a buddy Do Ask about your buddies own experiences and examples. Utilise the scheme when feeling stressed or worried- you are not alone in your emotions. Use the scheme as a way to meet new people and try new things. Recommend the scheme to other new PhD students Feedback to the SRC about what works and what doesn’t about the scheme Become a buddy yourself in your 2 nd /3 rd year. Don’t Expect your buddy to be there 24/7- this is not a full-time job. Think of them as professional counsellors- they are there to offer information, support and pastoral advice but will signpost when appropriate or necessary. Feel isolated or alone, approach your buddy and see if they can help.
Get Involved If you are a 1 st year PhD student and would like to be paired up with a buddy then please stating your name and College/School. We will try to pair as many of you as possible with suitable buddies but this will all depend on supply and demand for the scheme.