CERN The GridSTART EU accompany measure Fabrizio Gagliardi CERN
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 2 GRIDs – EU IST projects (~36m Euro) Science Industry / businessApplications Middleware & Tools Underlying Infrastructures CROSSGRID DATAGRID DATATAG GRIDLAB EGSO GRIA GRIP EUROGRID DAMIEN GRIDSTART
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 3 GridSTART objectives u Consolidating technical advances across a cluster of projects in order to exploit fully the synergies between their activities; u Driving forward GRID developments by identifying and amplifying synergies between different application areas; u Encouraging interaction amongst similar activities within Europe and worldwide; u Ensuring that Europe plays a full role in the setting of international standards. Strong participation in the GGF has already been identified as a priority; u Stimulating the early take-up by industry and research of Grid-enabled applications; u Opening the benefits of cluster membership by association to other suitable EU and national projects.
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 4 Participating projects u AVO u DATAGRID/ DATATAG u EUROGRID/ GRIP u DAMIEN u GRIDLAB u GRIA u EGSO u CROSSGRID
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 5 First phase projects u DataGrid: Middleware and testbeds for HEP, EO and Biology u EuroGrid: uniform access to HPC centres, portals for industrial applications u DAMIEN: tools for Metacomputing
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 6 DataTAG u Transatlantic high performance networking DataGrid testbed with US u Lead Partner: CERN u 4 partners (Int, I, NL, UK)
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 7 CrossGRID u Interactive and data intensive applications on DataGrid middleware u Lead Partner: Cyfronet Warsow PL u 23 partners (PL, D, SK, A, CY, NL, I, UK, IRL, E, EL) u Industry: Algosystems SA EL
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 8 GRIP u Main focus on interoperability between UNICORE and GLOBUS u Lead Partner: Juelich Research Center D u 6 partners (D, UK, PL)
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 9 GRIDLAB u GRIDLAB (Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed) is the natural continuation of the testbed activity of the Application Working Group of the European Grid Forum created in 2000 for demonstration at SC2000 u Lead Partner: Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center u 11 partners (PL, D, CZ, NL, I, UK, F, EL) u Industry: SUN Microsystems Germany and Compaq Emea
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 10 GRIA u Industrial applications (structural analysis and digital film post production) dissemination and take-up by European industry u Lead Partner: University of Southampton u 5 partners (UK, NO, I, EL) u Industry: Dolphin, Mangos Studios u Utility: ENEL (Electricity)
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 11 Role of CERN u The cluster technical committee: A cluster-wide technical committee comprising one representative from each of the clustered projects will be set up to identify and reinforce common goals between participating projects in the cluster. This committee will monitor technical activities across the cluster, provide a technical audit of the cluster of projects, develop a technical roadmap for GRID developments, provide expert advice to member projects and develop a coherent position with respect to international standardisation activities. The technical committee will provide important input to the standards work of task 3.1 and thereby contribute to the standards report. The work will be intimately linked with the activities of the Global Grid Forum Working Groups and will seek to ensure a true European stake in the directions taken by these Working Groups.
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 12 Work Plan u Kick-off meeting in Munich on April 30th u 3 years ( ) u Funds for an information officer (1/2 time) and some travel for project management u Participation through project manager and technical coordinator
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 13 Deliverables u CERN will lead this task, supported by the other partners, and will be responsible for coordination, organisation and administration of this work including the preparation of the GRID roadmap. u Deliverables: n D Grid roadmap with revisions at months 6, 18 and 30 n D Technical audit of cluster with revisions at months 6, 18 and 30
F.Gagliardi – EDG AG, May 6, n° 14 Actions u Publish the EDG architecture document on the GridSTART web site u Indentify common issues for discussion by n distribution list to be set-up and maintained by EPCC u Use GGF events to review progress u Technical committee in South of Italy end of June u Further meeting at GGF5 u Consider an architecture workshop at CERN early January next year