JCOMM: Perspectives & Contributions 1 Val Swail - Environment Canada, Toronto 2 Scott Woodruff - NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder Elizabeth Kent - National Oceanography Centre, Southampton David Parker - Met Office, Exeter 1 Chair – JCOMM Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surge 2 Chair – JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology With thanks to Peter Dexter – JCOMM Co-President Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices De Bilt, Netherlands May 2008
JCOMM Concept and Objectives NWP, climate studies, maritime services, ocean modeling and forecasting, ocean research, all require integrated metocean data and information streams To address these requirements and realize potential benefits, JCOMM jointly sponsored by WMO and IOC Combines and benefits from the strengths and expertise of the met. and ocean communities, avoids duplication of effort, integrates existing activities User oriented, functions at global, regional and national levels Integrated marine observing, data management and services system; extensive outreach programme An implementation mechanism for global GOOS and in situ marine component of GOS
Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services JCOMM as the bridge between meteorology and oceanography Operational oceanography now a reality Community welfare, socio-economic impacts, hazard mitigation, climate change…. National and international cooperation essential – IOC, WMO, met and ocean agencies Atmosphere Ocean Climate Services Marine Weather Services Weather Services Oceanographic Services Ocean Climate Services
How JCOMM Operates JCOMM is a coordination mechanism only Implementation of JCOMM programmes by national agencies and institutions National representation in the work of JCOMM Single national focal point and coordinator for JCOMM High level, to coordinate met and ocean communities and ensure priority and budget for JCOMM activities National members of the Commission Technical experts to support JCOMM work nationally Both met and ocean experts National representation on expert teams and panels Technical experts in specific fields covered by JCOMM
Observations Products Services Climate Users Capacity Building Data Management
JCOMM Structure
Integrated Ocean Observing System Ship observationsSea level Moorings Argo Drifting buoy ASAP
Initial Global Ocean Observing System for Climate Status against the GCOS Implementation Plan and JCOMM targets
In situ observing platforms reporting on the GTS, May 2007 light blue - XBTs, dark blue - Argo, red - drifting and fixed buoys, yellow - ASAP ships, gray - TSG
JCOMMOPS jcommops.org
Perspective on Historical Data JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology links with International Comprehensive Ocean- Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS)JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology links with International Comprehensive Ocean- Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Recovery of more data & metadata: key to improving past climatologies, e.g. Recovery of Logbooks And International Marine data (RECLAIM)Recovery of more data & metadata: key to improving past climatologies, e.g. Recovery of Logbooks And International Marine data (RECLAIM)
Improvements to ICOADS Many new data sources added to ICOADS focused on data sparse regions and periods.
ICOADS Improvements in 1930s
Background to ETCCDI Norwich November 2003 – JCOMM presentation to ETCCDMI; responsibility for marine climatology clearly identified as JCOMM responsibility Norwich November 2003 – JCOMM presentation to ETCCDMI; responsibility for marine climatology clearly identified as JCOMM responsibility Beijing November 2005 – CCl recommends JCOMM as full partner in split teams, ETCCDI and ETCM Beijing November 2005 – CCl recommends JCOMM as full partner in split teams, ETCCDI and ETCM Tarragona September 2006 – ETCM-I meets; Craig Donlon as JCOMM representative Tarragona September 2006 – ETCM-I meets; Craig Donlon as JCOMM representative Exeter November 2006 – JCOMM SCG-III affirms climate services as core activity Exeter November 2006 – JCOMM SCG-III affirms climate services as core activity Niagara-on-the-Lake November 2006 – ETCCDI-I meets; Val Swail, Liz Kent, Scott Woodruff, Chris Folland JCOMM representatives Niagara-on-the-Lake November 2006 – ETCCDI-I meets; Val Swail, Liz Kent, Scott Woodruff, Chris Folland JCOMM representatives CLIMAR-III May 2008 – Marine climate indices invited presentation, Plenary discussion CLIMAR-III May 2008 – Marine climate indices invited presentation, Plenary discussion De Bilt May ETCCDI-II meets; David Parker replaces Chris Folland on ETCCDI De Bilt May ETCCDI-II meets; David Parker replaces Chris Folland on ETCCDI
WHAT ABOUT INDICES? JCOMM data offer the possibility for development of a wide variety of marine indices—some of which may be extended much earlier into the historical record than land-based indices Surface variables Sub-surface variables Based on in situ observations, satellite, modelled, blended Consider not just general circulation indices – compare with existing CCl/CLIVAR land indices See next talk for details
Enabling Mechanisms ICOADS - Critical and critically under-resourced (icoads.noaa.gov ) icoads.noaa.gov Proposed new initiative for value-added ICOADS (QC, bias corrections, etc.) Proposed new initiative for value-added ICOADS (QC, bias corrections, etc.) JCOMM Expert Teams Wind Waves and Storm Surges Sea Ice Marine Climatology Task Team on the Marine-meteorological and Oceanographic Summaries (TT-MOCS) Task Team on Delayed Mode VOS (TT-DMVOS) Engage expertise within the CLIMAR community to assist in the development and production of marine indices (marineclimatology.net ) marineclimatology.net Liaise with other groups interested in marine indices such as the AOPC and OOPC
WAY FORWARD Investigate how to expand the range of useful and homogeneous climate change indicators available for the ocean including information from both the ocean surface and subsurface Consider how these might be used in IPCC 5AR (2013) To engage with other JCOMM Programme Areas as appropriate, and the broader marine climate community in the development, calculation and maintenance of marine indices Use CLIMAR-III to promote marine indices, with a presentation and Plenary discussion Report back on progress to the 3rd ETCCDI meeting in May 2008, with a proposal as appropriate for further development of marine climate indices Aim for presentations at MARCDAT-III (2010) and CLIMAR-IV (2012) that have answers instead of questions