VOCABULARY 2 Bellringers A Wrinkle in Time
Monday, April 8 1. aloft -adverb–up high, upward 2. apprehension- noun– fear of what may be coming 3. curtsy- verb or noun – bow down as a show of respect 4. extinguish- verb – to put out; destroy 5. nondescript- adjective– hard to describe; having no outstanding features
Monday, April 8–PRE-AP 1. aloft- adv. –up high, upward 2. apprehension-n. – fear of what may be coming 3. curtsy-n. or v. – bow down as a show of respect 4. extinguish-v. – to put out; destroy 5. nondescript-adj. – hard to describe; having no outstanding features 6. assimilate- to absorb and incorporate 7. backwash- backward flow of air as from a propeller 8. dissolution- decomposition into fragments or parts
Tuesday, April 9 6. reverberate –verb- to echo back; resound 7. summit –noun- highest point of a mountain 8. tentative –adj.- hesitant; not certain 9. triumphant – adj.-victorious; winning and proud 10. void –noun- empty space; nothingness
Tuesday, April 9 Pre-AP 9. reverberate –v- to echo back; resound 10. summit –n- highest point of a mountain 11. tentative –adj.- hesitant; not certain 12. triumphant – adj.-victorious; winning and proud 13. void –n- empty space; nothingness 14. intolerable- unbearable 15. subsided- abated; settled down; lessened
3 rd bellwork exercise Match the synonyms to the vocabulary words. 1. up, airborne, flying ______________ 2. uncertain, cautious, hesitant ___________ 3. smother, put out, quench _____________
3 rd bellwork exercise PRE-AP Match the synonyms to the vocabulary words. 1. up, airborne, flying ______________ 2. uncertain, cautious, hesitant ___________ 3. smother, put out, quench _____________ Write the sentence and underline the vocab. word: 4. I need fuel so I can sort things out and assimilate them properly.
4 th bellwork exercise Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. Remember to write out the entire sentence. 1. All of Queen Elizabeth’s guests made sure to __________ as she entered the room. 2. The hikers took a picture after they reached the _________ of the mountain. 3. I looked into the empty chip bag and saw a_________. Everything was eaten!
4 th bellwork exercise PRE-AP Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. Remember to write out the entire sentence. 1. All of Queen Elizabeth’s guests made sure to __________ as she entered the room. 2. The hikers took a picture after they reached the _________ of the mountain. 3. I looked into the empty chip bag and saw a_________. Everything was eaten! Write the sentence and underline the vocab. word: 4. The relief from the intolerable pressure was all she needed.
5 th bellwork exercise Match the synonyms (words that mean the same thing) to the vocabulary words. 1. worry, fear, nervousness ____________ 2. victorious, successful, proud__________ 3. ordinary, unremarkable, plain ____________
5 th bellwork exercise PRE-AP Match the synonyms (words that mean the same thing) to the vocabulary words. 1. worry, fear, nervousness ____________ 2. victorious, successful, proud__________ 3. ordinary, unremarkable, plain ____________ Write the sentence and underline the vocab. word: she was prepared for the sudden and complete dissolution of her body.