Political Parties. Interest Groups Similar to Parties but typically don’t run candidates.


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Presentation transcript:

Political Parties

Interest Groups Similar to Parties but typically don’t run candidates

Three heads of political parties The party in the electorate The party as an organization The party in government

Tasks of the party Pick Candidates Run Campaigns Give Cues to Voters Articulate Policies Coordinate policymaking

Choosing candidates Closed Primaries- must register in advance with the party Open primaries- can decide on election day which ballot you want Blanket primary- one ballot with all the candidates from all the parties

National Convention Meets every four years to write the party’s platform and nominate its candidates for president and vice president

Party Eras When a majority of voters identify with the party in power. Party realignment occurs when there is a major shift in the party that most Americans align with.

Third Parties Usually focus on single issues in campaigns Winner take all system makes it difficult for third party candidates to win political office