Scoring Rubrics: Validity and Reliability Barbara M. Moskal Colorado School of Mines
Goals Reflect on the importance of clearly defining criteria for evaluation. Define what a scoring rubric is and how rubrics may be used in the grading of essays. Discuss the different types of rubrics. Examine an example scoring rubric. Discuss the validity and reliability of a scoring rubric.
Reflection Think back on your own education. Think of a personal experience in which you received an unfair grade or test score. What made the experience unfair? How did it make you feel? How did it impact your subsequent learning? What would have you done differently had you been the instructor?
Scoring Rubrics Descriptive Scoring Schemes. Provide teachers with guidance during the scoring process. Provide students with guidance as to the scoring criteria. Provides students with feedback as to how to improve their performances.
Types of Rubrics Holistic/Analytic General/Task specific
How to begin? Write a clear statement of the goals and objectives of the assessment. Determine the type of rubric that you will need.
Validity Does a task measure the target achievement?
Guiding Questions How well does your rubric address your learning objectives? Does your rubric assess unintended skills or concepts? What are the critical pieces of your rubric that students will need to know in order to be successful on the assessment?
Reliability Can a task be scored consistently?