Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Sony CFP Presentation Date Submitted: 5 May 2003 Source: Etsumi Fujita, Katsumi Watanabe, Katsuyuki Tanaka, Bob Huang Mitsuhiro Suzuki, Shin Saito, Jun Iwasaki Company: Sony Corporation Sony Electronics of America Address: Kitashinagawa Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo. Japan One Sony Drive TA-1 Voice: , FAX: Park Ridge, NJ V: F: Re: 02/372r8 of 17 January 2003, 03/138r1 Sony CFP Document of 5 May 2003 Abstract:This presentation provides detailed information on a unique UWB proposal. Purpose:This material is submitted to support a unique UWB proposal. Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 1
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 2 Sony UWB PHY Presentation Ubiquitous Technology Labs Sony Corporation May 2003 Mobile Internet Network Services Home i.LINK Memory Stick
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 3 FREQUENCY CHANNEL ALLOCATION 3 BAND IDEA DOUBLER FREQUENCY IDEA
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 4 PULSE SHAPE AND SPECTRUM Simple Integer Amplitude EASY IMPLEMENTATION STABLE CHARACTERISTICS SATISFY FCC MASK Even without extra analog filter
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 5 PULSE GENERATOR Prepare 4 waves of duty 50% 500[MHz] ON/OFF with different timing each other Add them with amplitude of { 2, 2, 2, -1 } respectively.
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 6 PRE-EQUALIZED PULSE SHAPE Tx PulseAfter analog filters at ADC input PRE-EQUALIZED PULSE PERFECTLY SATISFY NYQUIST CONDITION
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 7 CHIP RATE AND CARRIER FREQUENCY ONE OSCILLATOR Pulse Position Tracking is automatically done by Carrier Phase Tracking ENABLE EASY AND PRECISE TRACKING
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 8 PI/2 SHIFTED BPSK MINIMIZE INTER SYMBOL(CHIP) INTERFERENCE Without pulse overlap between adjacent chip in I and Q respectively MAXIMIZE SYMBOL(CHIP) RATE NEAR CONSTANT ENVELOPE
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 10 RF POWER CONSUMPTION CMOS 0.18[um] RX TX TX 56[mW] ( for from 20[Mbps] to 1000[Mbps] ) RX 135[mW] ( for from 20[Mbps] to 1000[Mbps] ) RX TX RX TX RX
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 11 PHY BURST FORMAT NORMAL STYLE SHORT PREAMBLE (7.68[us]) Constant length even in the worst channel condition
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 12 PREAMBLE FORMAT NOT USE LESS THAN 1[us] PERIODIC PATTERN Short periodic pattern will not be used because it will generate spectral lines
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 13 SIGNAL DETECT / SYNCHRONIZATION USING SHORT PREAMBLE (7.68[us]) Constant even in the worst channel condition NOT USING ANY “GROPE” METHOD e.g. Sliding Correlation, Coarse detection and Precise detection CHANNEL SNAP SHOT ( Coherent Channel Measurement )
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 14 CHANNEL SNAP SHOT Actual measured results (CM3) by RTL simulation CERTAIN SIGNAL DETECTION / SYNCHRONIZATION No lost the all of multi-path 128[ns] period, 250[ps] resolution
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 15 RAKE RECEIVER BY CSS Precise complex path amplitude Up to 8 ARMS
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 16 RANGING BY CSS No lost the earliest path #Obtained from multi terminal system level simulation
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 17 CHANNEL CONDITION ESTIMATION BY CSS USED for QUICK and PRECISE “LINK ADAPTATION”
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 18 SYNC DETECTION INDEX BY CSS Threshold can be clearly determined. (Note: Success of Signal Detection means success of Sync detection) Signal Detection Index(SDI) is calculated from Channel Snap Shot Results SDI=10log(Signal Energy /Total Energy)
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 19 SYNC DETECTION PROB. vs. S/N Lower limit of sync detection performance is obviously below lower limit of link performance.
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 20 CODING AND SPREADING WIDE RANGE BIT RATE From 20[Mbps] to 1000[Mbps]
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 21 CODING GAIN STRONGEST CODING K=7 Viterbi + RS(240,224,16) K=3 Viterbi + RS is useful 1/16 less complex than K=7 with 0.9[dB] degradation
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 22 LINK ADAPTATION Quick ( burst by burst ) Precise ( Channel Snap Shot ) HIGH THROUGHPUT EFFECTIVE USAGE OF FREQUENCY RESOURCE
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 23 RAKE COMBINING PERFORMANCE Assumption: Nss=4, K=7 Viterbi + RS 110[Mbps] Transmission ( req.Es/No=-0.3[dB]) Multi-path amplitude Total receive signal Energy Signal energy after RAKE Multi-path interference enegy after RAKE Noise energy after RAKE Condition of Correct Decode Allowable additive noise energy
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 24 CM2 MULTI-PATH PERFORMANCE WITH RAKE 8 Arms of RAKE can pick up almost signal energy 110[Mbps] Transmission With K=7 Viterbi + RS ( req.Es/No=-0.3[dB]) CM1
May 2003 doc.: IEEE r2 Submission Fujita, et al, Sony Corp., Sony Electronics Slide 25 CM3 MULTI-PATH PERFORMANCE WITH RAKE 8 Arms of RAKE can pick up almost signal energy 110[Mbps] Transmission With K=7 Viterbi + RS ( req.Es/No=-0.3[dB]) CM4