Primary Research Results Brogan Money
Purpose, Methods and Techniques The purpose of this questionnaire was get the buyers point of view/opinions on Local Newspapers, Radios and Posters. This research is all to help me when i come to make my own local newspaper, radio advertisement and poster. When going around asking people i asked people generally, as i am designing the local newspaper i want it to be mostly targeted to teenagers, news around essex targeted for them however i feel a local newspaper can be targeted for everyone from teenagers and adults so a side of it will have articles and elements that adults will want to read and know. so giving my questionnaire out i gave it to both teenagers and adults to get there opinions so i got a bit of both to help me. With the questions i asked i asked qualitative and quantitive data questions allowing it to be short and simple and also getting the participant involved and getting there preferred preferences. with my questionnaire it was hard to target to my audience as i am designing a local newspaper from hen i am from, however a few people around the location Harlow where from my area which helped me a lot as people from different areas have different needs and wants and what they expect in there local newspaper however all of the participants was from Essex which is very helpful as mine locla newspaper is going to be Essex based.
Audience Profiles For audience profiles it shows i have asked more females and males, over 50 per cent, this may help me if i targeted Local Newspaper for Females as most of the answers are in there point of views and males opinions may be different. this may help me with the different articles and content i will decide to include on the front cover as it should stand out and be directed o my target audience and grab there attention. For age range i asked both equal amount for teenagers and adults and then older people. this will give me an equal and fair opinion about peoples views on the questions asked. this is good as even though i am appealing primarily to teenagers i feel a local newspaper can appeal to all agers with the local news and events taking place in there area. Even though i’m not fully designing my Local newspaper for 36+ i asked one person so i got there opinion which may help me for example for the question Do you prefer text or images the oldest person chose the answer Text and the younger age group chose Images so it makes it clear for me to include more images than text to appeal to my target audience.
Employment and Town of Residence This data allows me to see the people i asked where there from and there employment status. The majority of who i asked was employed, this may effect there opinion and there choice in the price of the local newspaper, as they are earning and would pay for the local newspaper to see local news in the area. with town of residence i tried asking people who i found in my area that i am basing my Local Newspaper, Buckhurst Hill/ Loughton/ Essex news. as i asked people in Harlow everybody was from essex however i did get to find people in y area of Loughton. i think this was god as what they expect in the newspaper and the different types articles and adverts may vary in different areas.
Buying Habits, Place of Purchase, Price For these question it let me know about distribution and pricing and how often people buy a local newspaper. from the questionnaire i found out most people got there local newspaper at there Newsagents and expected to pay less than 50p. this is helpful for when designing my local newspaper the price i will have to include so know i know estimably how much people expect to pay in Essex for a local newspaper. furthermore for the place of Purchase i asked this as it would benefit me when coming to designing my Poster for the local newspaper i can include when to get the New local newspaper and as the majority of people said newsagents this is where i can say my local newspaper is to buy. For third question ‘ How often do you buy your local newspaper’ this can help with the language and to say when the next issue is out. This was an important question as it showed me people either get there local newspaper weekly or monthly so this gave me the choice to when it comes to designing my local newspaper i can decide from the two.
Preferences These question allowed me to see what the participants and the public preferred the questions were very straightforward and however very important for my research to help me when i come to designing and creating my own newspaper. without these questions answered i would be using what the public prefer however now i know there exact preferences. the questions i asked was for the content (preferred topics) and the colour scheme these are all basic and important areas of the newspaper that i will have to go and conduct myself so with the results it shows me clearly that 93 per cent of the participants asked prefer the colour scheme in colour and with a few of 7 per cent of the public preferring it in Black and White. the second question i asked was the preferred topics, which will help me with the content of my own newspaper. from the results most preferred local news toWorldwide news and Jobs to be included in my local newspaper.
Preferences These questions show answers from the questions i asked on Features, type of language and content within a local newspaper. these are all elements that make up my task of a local newspaper. the results show that 8 people prefer interviews and reports the least favourite the other two options were Reviews and Other. this is very helpful as i am creating two pages of a local newspaper i need to know what the public like to see and what to expect in the local newspaper so an interview with someone in the area as i found out people preferred local news and not world wide helps m to what to include and what i could write about. with this i asked if people preferred text or images and the majority of the people asked preferred Images. so when designing and creating the two pages in my local newspaper i need to keep in consideration that people like more images than text, so i could break my interview up with images to make it more readable and eye catching for my target audience. the last question asked was the type of language preferred between i being formal or informal and the majority of people like to see and prefer informal language. all these three questions link together as i can use the answers when thinking about the features and the content and now with the type of language when creating the features i know that people prefer informal language.
Preferences When going around town I asked what local newspaper front cover they prefer. these front covers i found on the internet, these are all successful current local newspapers that are around different pats of essex. the results showed people preferred option 2 and the most popular reason was due to the text type. option two has a large main image linking to the an article within the newspaper. the text is very easy to read, spread out or in bullet pointed to spread the text and space it out. this helps when designing my front cover as i know the layout the public prefer and the most popular reasons behind there preference.
Radio Ad and Station These two questions are all to do with one of the separate tasks i have to do which is to design a radio advertisements. the two questions i asked was what local radio station they listened to and what radio advertisement is the most memorable which was a written question and the most popular answers were: Go compare, Festivals, Shopping Centres and nightclub adverts. this is all helpful as i can listen to the radio stations they do and pick the similarities and differences to make my own one and base it on them. furthermore the most memorable radio advertisements can research and listen and see why they are memorable maybe the idea and reason of the advert like a festival that attract people who are interest or the theme tune as it is up beat and cathy these are all things i have to keep in consideration and research to help me create mu own radio advert.
Poster this question was to do with my second smaller task and i gave them the option to chose what poster they found the most attractive and what they preferred. this might of been down to the image or the subject but the most favourable was option two. this poster was advertising a hotel, it has few text and the main image is of the company. building there are advertising. even thought there is less text there have three sentences that are old and eye catching. which i can think abut and when it comes for me to design my own poster i can come back to my primary research and see what poster was the mot poplar.
Conclusion These questions I asked and the results I gathered is all very helpful as when it comes to design all three tasks, I have the preferences and opinions from the general public in essex, which my local newspaper is based. I have asked questions to do with the layout, text type, colour scheme and audience profiles to gain a bit about where they’re from as it my affect the answers and give me a reason to why they have chosen the answers. With these answers it will help me when creating my three products as with the research conducted they will have all the similar conventions and also maybe even better as I will have content that the audience want to see and read.
Proposal With these results it helps me extremely, i have now my basic information/research thats going to help when designing my local newspaper and my smaller tasks(poster& radio ad) that I can come back to my questionnaire results and refer to and see what my target audiences likes and dislikes, by people who are regular buyers and who know what they expect in a local newspaper. For example from this I have found the majority of the people I interviewed preferred colour with images, not just plain black and white with text. I feel this is a good thing as my newspaper with text and images with target both young and old. Furthermore 53 per cent of the people I interviewed expected local news moreover world news and jobs included so local news article I feel would be appropriate in my local newspaper.