DIRECTIVES 83/477/EEC, 91/382/EEC and 2003/18/EC.


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Presentation transcript:

DIRECTIVES 83/477/EEC, 91/382/EEC and 2003/18/EC

83/477/EEC PROTECTION OF WORKERS FROM THE RISKS RELATED TO THE EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS AT WORK 91/382/EEC Limit value Restrictions Prohibition of spraying 2003/18/EC Limitation of activities Limit value Analythical Method

SCOPE Protection of workers of risks from exposure to asbestos at work It doesn’t apply to: Sea transport Air transport DIRECTIVE 2003/18/CE

ASBESTOS Asbestos is a fibrous silicate which includes two main types: SerpentineAmphibole

For the purposes of the Directives “Asbestos” includes the following: For the purposes of the Directives “Asbestos” includes the following: ActinoliteAmositeChrysotileCrocidoliteAnthophylliteTremolite

ASSESSMENT If the activity implies a risk of exposure of dust arising from asbestos (or materials which contain it), the risk must be assessed.

2003/18/EC Concentration of asbestos fibres (fibre/cm 3 ) Limit Value eight-hour time-weighted average (TWA) 0,1

83/477/EEC Concentration of asbestos fibres (fibre/cm 3 ) 83/477/EEC Asbestos non crocidolite Crocidolite Mixture crocidolite/other fibres) Limit Value (Eight-hour reference period) 1,000,50 Calculated proportionally

91/382/EEC Concentration of asbestos fibres (fibre/cm 3 ) 91/382/EECChrysotile Other fibres including mixtures (containing or not chrysotile) Limit Value (Eight- hour reference period) 0,600,30

NOTIFICATION Activities in which workers are or may be exposed to asbestos, must be covered by a notification system administered by the responsible authority of the member state, the notification must be submitted before the works begins and include: the location of the work site, the type and quantities of asbestos used or handled, the activities and processes involved, the number of workers involved, the starting date and duration of the work, measures taken to limit the exposure of workers to asbestos. If there is any change likely to result in an increase of exposure, a new notification must be submitted.

RETRICTIONS In certain conditions the following articles shall not apply: Art. 4 (Notification) Art. 15 (Clinical surveillance) Art. 16 (Register of workers) These restrictions have been changed, from the Directive 83/ 477/EEC

83/477/EEC Concentration of asbestos fibres, in absence of any individual protective equipment (for an 8 hour reference period) lower than: 0,25 fibre/cm 3 A cumulative dose of 15 fibre-days per cm 3 over 3 months

91/382/EEC 91/382/EECForchrysotile Other forms including mixtures (containing or not chrysotile) Eight-hour reference period 0,200,10 Cumulative dose (fibre-days) over a three month period 12,006,00

2003/18/EC When exposure is sporadic and of low intensity, and it is clear that the exposure limit for asbestos will not be exceeded in the air of the working area, in: short, non-continuous maintenance activities in which only non- friable materials are handled, removal without deterioration of non-degraded materials in which the asbestos fibres are firmly linked in a matrix, encapsulation or sealing of asbestos-containing materials which are in good condition, air monitoring and control, and the collection of samples to ascertain whether a specific material contains asbestos.

PROHIBITIONS The application of asbestos by means of the spraying process and working procedures that involves low density (less than 1g/cm 3 ) Activities which expose workers to asbestos fibres during: the extraction of asbestos (mining) the extraction of asbestos (mining) the manufacture and processing of asbestos products or products containing intentionally added asbestos the manufacture and processing of asbestos products or products containing intentionally added asbestos EXCEPT the abatement and disposal of products resulting from demolition and asbestos removal.

MEASURES TO MINIMIZE EXPOSITION Limitation of the number of workers exposed to minimal Work processed designed to avoid the production of dust, or if that proves imposible, to avoid the release of dust Cleaning and maintenance Asbestos material must be stored and transported in suitable sealed packing Waste must be collected and removed from the workplace as soon as possible in suitable sealed packing with labels indicating that it contains asbestos.

CONTROL OF EXPOSURE Regular measurement of asbestos fibres in air Representative sampling Sampling after consultation of the workers and/or their representatives Sampling carried out by suitably qualified personnel Fibre counting shall be wherever possible by PCM (phase- contrast microscope) in accordance with the 1997 WHO (World Health Organisation) recommended method or any other method giving equivalent results

EXCEEDING LIMIT VALUES Identification of reasons and remedy of the situation Suspension of works until adecuate protection measurements are taken Suspension of works until adecuate protection measurements are taken Checking the effectivity of measures taken Invividual respiratory protective equipment if the exposure cannot be reduced by other means

DEMOLITION MAINTENANCE/ WORK Identification of presumed asbestos-containing materials. Identification of presumed asbestos-containing materials. If there is any doubt the applicable provisions of the Directive shall be observed

SPECIAL ACTIVITIES In case of activities in which is foreseable to exceed the limit value: suitable respiratory and other personal protective equipment, which must be worn; warning signs the spread of dust must be prevented consultation to the workers and/ or their representatives

WORKING PLAN It’s mandatory in works of demolition or removing of asbestos, from buildings, structures, plants, installations or ships. It has to specify: Removing of asbestos before demolition Provision of personal protective equipment, if necessary When demolition or removal work is finished, the absence of asbestos exposure risk

WORKING PLAN (II) The plan shall include information on the following: the nature and probable duration of the work, the place where the work is carried out, the methods applied where the work involves the handling of asbestos or materials containing asbestos, the characteristics of the equipment used for: protection and decontamination of people carrying out the work, protection of other persons present on or near the worksite.

TRAINING Regular and free for workers, and should include: Properties of asbestos and its health effects Products or materials likely to contain asbestos Risk operations and preventive controls Safe work practice and protective equipment Emergency procedures Decontamination procedures Waste disposal Medical examination requirements

ORGANIZATIVE MEASURES Work places: Demarcated and indicated with warning signs Only accessible to workers who have work or duties in there Non smoking areas “Clean zones” for eating and drinking Working/Protective clothes Laundry by the enterprise Separate storage places for street clothes and working clothes Washing and toilet facilities Maintenance of protective equipment

WORKERS INFORMATION Potential risks to health Limit values and the need of air monitoring Hygiene requirements Use of protective equipment and clothing Precautions to minimize exposure to asbestos Access to the results of measurements When limit values are exceeded, the reasons, Consultation or information about the measures taken Consultation or information about the measures taken

CLINICAL SURVEILLANCE Assessment of the worker’s state of health before the beginning of exposure to asbestos. New assessment of workers at least every 3 years. Study of results Information about surveillance at the end of exposure The worker and the employer may request a review of the assessment.

REGISTER OF WORKERS WORKER REGISTER Worker/s concerned Nature Duration EMPLOYER Any activity aimed of the Directive Results related personally to him DOCTOR WORKERS/ REPRESENTATIVES Collective information (anonymous) KEPT FOR 40 YEARS WITH THE MEDICAL RECORDS

REGISTER OF DISEASES Member States shall have a register of recognized cases of: Asbestosis AsbestosisMesothelioma

ANALYTHICAL METHOD (WHO) Principle of the method: Sampling of a known air volume Filters are “cleared” (rended transparent) Fibres in a measured area of the filters are counted using a Fibres in a measured area of the filters are counted using a phase-contrast optical microscopy

MATERIAL Sampling  Sampling pump  Filter holder  Filter Counting  Microscope  Graticule  Stage micrometer  Test slide


Esters of cellulose Cellulose nitrate Base plug Base xxx Back-up pads Membrane filter Cowl End cap End cap plug

COUNTING FIBRES The fibres counted must have the following properties: L>5μm D<3 μm L/D>3



COUNTING Counting fields are choosen at random. The counting finishes: fields counted -100 fibres counted - A minimum of 20 fields must be counted

CALCULATION c = concentration (fibres. ml-I) D = diameter of the exposed filter area (mm) N = total number of fibres counted d = diameter of the gRaticule (pm) n = number of graticule areas examined v = volume of air sampled (litres)