* House Bill 5, Section 46; Texas Education Code Section
Pullam Elementary Fine Arts Program rated Exemplary The Fine Arts Program offers a wide variety activities. Students have the opportunity to learn guitar, drums, and violin as well as participate in Choir, Rockband, Estudiantina, Guitar Club, Honor’s Choir, and Ballroom. Through these activities students develop great self- esteem, teamwork, social skills, and self- confidence.
Pullam Elementary Wellness and Physical Education Program rated Recognized The Wellness and Physical Education Programs promote a healthy lifestyle for parents and students through Red Ribbon Week, community sponsored runs, Catch activities, and district health fairs. Participation in the Breakfast in a Bag program has ensured that students have a healthy breakfast. Wellness and Physical Education Program
Pullam Elementary Community & Parental Involvement Program rated Recognized Community and Parental Involvement Program Parents are highly encouraged to be a part of their children’s education at Pullam Elementary. Parental meeting are conducted throughout the year to inform and educate parents on how to help their children succeed academically. In addition, Students learn about community and civic duty through their participation in community service projects. ……
Pullam Elementary 21 st Century Workforce Development rated Exemplary College & Career Readiness Pullam students are University bound. Every week a classroom promotes a different university to educate each on the variety of schools and what they have to offer. Furthermore, professionals are invited to talk to students about their careers and encourage them to further their education. Students learned …
Pullam Elementary Dropout Prevention Strategies rated Exemplary After school tutorials and several other dropout prevention strategies are utilized at Pullam Elementary. At-Risk students are closely monitored and are offered web-based programs to enhance their academic instruction. Saturday tutorials provide individualized interventions. In addition, attendance is monitored daily and small group instruction is part of the instructional day. Students during tutorials…
Pullam Elementary Second Language Acquisition rated Exemplary English as a Second Language programs offer a wide range of supports for our ELL students. The student population at Pullam Elementary is prevalently Hispanic, the academic supports they receive help promote the development of second language skills. Parents are also encouraged to participate in campus events to learn strategies that will enable them to assist their children academically. Students created…
Pullam Elementary Digital Learning Environment rated Recognized Technology integration is evident with at least 3 student computers in each that promote a digital environment. Students are encouraged to use a variety of academic websites to enhance the learning experience. Interactive learning is supported through the use of smartboards, projectors, and ELMO’s in all classrooms. Students used technology to…
Pullam Elementary Educational Programs for G/T rated Recognized Gifted and Talented program participants take part in a variety of showcase events. Science Fair UIL Music UIL Art Chess Destination Imagination Gifted and Talented students are able to exhibit their talents and unique abilities through these experiences. Gifted and talented program students…