THE NEW REPORTING SYSTEM Photo: Kristina Eriksson Mats Eriksson N2K Group.


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Presentation transcript:

THE NEW REPORTING SYSTEM Photo: Kristina Eriksson Mats Eriksson N2K Group

THE NEW REPORTING SYSTEM The general report formatThe general report format The bird species status/trends report formatThe bird species status/trends report format → Focus of the reporting → Focus of the reporting → Species checklist → Species checklist → Reporting sections → Reporting sections Art 12 Reference PortalArt 12 Reference Portal Photo: Mats Eriksson

GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE NEW SYSTEM 2 parts / 2 formats: General reporting format – ‘almost identical’ to that for the reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive.General reporting format – ‘almost identical’ to that for the reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive. →Chapter 2 in the Explanatory Notes and Guidelines Status and trends of individual bird species – harmonised with the species reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, to the extent relevant.Status and trends of individual bird species – harmonised with the species reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, to the extent relevant. →FOCUS = All bird species naturally occurring in the EU (as defined in Article 1 of the Birds Directive). →Chapter 3 in the Explanatory Notes and Guidelines

General report format a) Sections basically identical with Art 17 reporting 1. Main achievements under the Birds Directive -Information to the general public about main achievements under the Birds Directive and the SPA network 2. General information – links to MSs’ information sources -General information about the Birds Directive -Information about the SPA network -Monitoring schemes (ref. Articles 4(1) and 10) -Protection of species (ref. Articles 5-8) -Transposition of the directive 3. Overview on SPA classification (ref. Article 4) 4. SPA management plans 5. Measures in relation to plans and projects (ref. Articles 6(4) and 7 of Habitats Directive)

General report format b) Sections specific for the bird reporting 6. Research and work required as basis for the protection, management and use of bird populations (ref. Article 10). Limited to: -National bird atlases -National bird monitoring overviews -National bird red lists -Other publications of EU-wide interest → E.g. national overviews of action for threatened species 7. Non-native bird species (ref. Article 11) -Only information about consultations taken pursuant Article 11 of the Birds Directive. – NOT to mix up with the voluntary reporting on status and trends of introduced species.

Status and trends of individual bird species

Bird species status and trends: Focus of the reporting All species naturally (and regularly) occurring in wild state in the EU (as defined in Article 1). -Separate reporting for sub-national units distinct from mainland Member States, as follows: - Azores - Gibraltar - Madeira - Canary Islands → Subspecific units: -Subspecies identified in Annex I of Birds Directive. -Some additional categories (details in the guidelines and checklists) → Non-native species: -3 non-native species listed in Annex II of Birds Directive (Canada Goose, Pheasant, Wild turkey). -Option to report on a selection of species with reference to Member States’ own choice.

Photo: Kristina Eriksson

Bird species status and trends: Species check-lists The species (and subspecific units, when relevant) to be reported by Member State are identified in two check-lists → One checklist for the overall reporting on status and trends. → One checklist for ‘SPA trigger’ species, for which additional information is requested: -Threats / pressures -SPA coverage and conservation measures

Bird species status and trends: Species check-lists WORK IS STILL IN PROGRESS → The N2K Group is processing MS responses received over summer. → MSs who have still not responded are encouraged to do so ASAP. → Checklists are planned to be finalised by end of October, for use by the IT developers etc...

Bird status and trends report format: 8 sections 1)Species information 2) Population size 3)Population trend; a: short-term (rolling 12 years window), b: long-term (political base-line ca 1980) 4)Breeding distribution map and range size 5)Breeding range trend; a: short-term, b: long-term 6)Progress in work related to SAPs, BMSs and MPs (for species for where plans have been developed) 7)Threats / pressures (only ‘SPA trigger’ species) 8)SPA coverage and conservation measures (only ‘SPA trigger’ species)

Bird status and trends report format 1)Species information -Fields for species names and codes (SDF and/or EURING) -Reporting season; breeding, winter (passage for a few species) Photo: Kristina Eriksson

Bird status and trends report format 2) Population size -Population unit -- ‘Breeding pairs’ for the breeding season (for most species) -- ‘Individuals’ for the winter and passage seasons -Population size (min. and max.) -Type of estimate (best estimate, 5-year mean, 95% CI range, minimum) -Method used (complete survey, extrapolation/modelling, expert opinion) -Quality (good, moderate, poor) -Sources (e.g. references, web-links, expert contacts etc) -Reason for change in relation to previous reporting period(s) – not applicable for the reporting period

Bird status and trends report format 3) Population trend; a: short-term (rolling 12 years window), b: long-term (base-line ca 1980) -Period covered -Direction (stable, fluctuating, increase, decrease) -Magnitude (min. and max. percentage change) -Method used (complete survey, extrapolation/modelling, expert opinion) -Quality (good, moderate, poor) -Sources (e.g. references, web-links etc) -Reason for change in relation to previous reporting period(s) – not applicable for the reporting period

Breeding distribution and range From: The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds

Bird status and trends report format 4) Breeding distribution map and range size -Indication if ‘sensitive species’ (where maps in fine scale should not be made publically available) -Distribution map (10x10 km ETRS grid, additional map optional) -Range map -Range surface area, ideally to be assessed by using the Range Tool (to be explained later) -Method used (complete survey, extrapolation/modelling, expert opinion) -Quality (good, moderate, poor) -Sources (e.g. references, web-links, expert contacts etc) -Reason for change in relation to previous reporting period(s) – not applicable for the reporting period 5) Breeding range trend; a: short-term, b: long- term -Fields analogous to ‘Population trend’ (section 3)

Bird status and trends report format 6 ) Progress in work related to SAPs, BMSs and MPs SAP = Species Action Plan BMS = Brief Management Statement MP = Management Plan

Bird status and trends report format 6)Progress in work related to SAPs, BMSs and MPs -SAP = Species Action Plan -BMS = Brief Management Statement -MP = Management Plan -Species for which plans have been adopted (and thus to be reported in this section) are indicated in the checklist. -Has a national plan linked to the SAP / BMS / MP been adopted – YES/NO -If NO – free text description of measures and initiatives taken -Sources for further information.

Bird status and trends report format 7)Threats / pressures (almost same methodology as for Art 17 reporting) - Only ‘SPA trigger’ species -For each pressure / threat (max. 20 factors) -- Pressure / threat (according to checklist) -- Impact (High (max. 5), Medium, Low) -- Quality assessment (good, moderate, poor) -- Location (inside/outside Member State or EU) -- Sources (references, web-links, expert contacts etc)

Bird status and trends report format 8)SPA coverage and conservation measures (almost same methodology as for Art 17 reporting) - Only ‘SPA trigger’ species 8.1. Population inside the SPA network -Population size (units, min., max., method use; analogous to Section 2) -Short-term trend in the SPA network (optional; stable, fluctuating, increase, decrease) 8.2. Conservation measures (according to checklist, max. 20 measures) -Type of measure (legal statutory, administrative, contractual, recurrent, one-off) -Ranking (max 5 High) -Location (inside/outside SPA network, or both) -Broad evaluation (maintain, enhance, long term, no effect, unknown, not evaluated)

Reference portal  Latest masters of the final versions of all relevant documents Reporting formats for Explanatory notes and Guidelines for Guidelines for submitting Article 12 data (under preparation)  Reference material Species checklists Population units Pressures/threats checklist Conservation measures checklist European grids  Currently under preparation by ETC/BD – available on- line but still not fully completed. Photo: Kristina Eriksson

THANK YOU....!!!!