Diagnostic de laborator in salmoneloze aviare
Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica Salm imobile: S. gallinarum/ S. pullorum Paratifoze !!!!! zoonotice Salm mobile Tifopuloroza Impact economic major
Large abscesses in the lungs of a 12 days old affected chick. This is one of the most common characteristics of pullorum disease in chickens. Labored breathing can be observed in affected flocks due to the extensive lesions in the lungs.
Nodular lesions can be observed in the heart of a chick affected with pullorum disease.
Pullorum disease. Multiple grey nodules in the heart.
Intestinal lesions of pullorum disease are rare in chickens but are quite common in turkey poults.Accumulation of cecal cores in the ceca
Intestinal lesions of pullorum disease are rare in chickens but are quite common in turkey poults.The lesions are characterized by ulceration and plaque like accumulation of necrotic tissue in the duodenum.
Fowl typhoid. Enlarged, bronzed to the mahogany colour liver and enlarged, mottled and brittle spleen in a turkey Diseased liver and spleen are shown in contrast to the normal ones at left.
Pullorum Disease: Ovarian follicle in various stages of degeneration
Diagnostic de laborator Salmonella Medii de imbogatire Medii selective Medii de diferentiere Serotipizare - identificarea salmonelelor izolate, stabilirea apartenentei la serogrup si a serotipului Ag somatic (O) serogrupe A - Z ser antisalm polivant de grup Ag Vi ser anti Vi Ag flagelar (H) a – z ser anti H Structura antigenica
tipizare serologica diagnostic retrospectiv (detectare si cuantificare Ac antisalmonelici) (RAR si RAL) Dg serologic in salmoneloze:
Dg serologic: RAR Detectare Ac antisalmonelici Sange integral Ser sanguin AgAc ? !!! Supraveghere si diagnostic salm aviare
TubAntigen (ml) Ser de cercetat (ml) Dilutia realizata 11,80,21/ ml din dilutia 1/10 1/ ml din dilutia 1/20 1/ ml din dilutia 1/40 1/ ml din dilutia 1/80 1/160 1/10 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 Dg serologic: RAL
Dg serologic: RAL interpretare Titru aglutinant Salmoneloze abortigene -Cabaline: 1/100 -Ovine: 1/100 -Bovine: 1/50 Salmoneloze aviare1/40