Deep in the Dungeon --- A PowerPoint Adventure By Eric Boeckenstedt
You have been thrown into the depths of king Rancid ’ s dungeon for desecrating his coat of arms. Legend has it that there is one passage that leads to freedom. Find it if you dare…
Just like how the Illuminati is watching over us at all times. A hidden button will bring you to the end, If you’re lucky.
Click HereHere Click HereHere
Click HereHere Click HereHere
Unfortunately, you ’ ve stumbled into a bottomless pit. Your only hope for survival is to click below. If the magic works, you ’ ll be transported back to your cell.
FaceFace or VaseVase
Choose the best player?
LeBron James or Batman?
What place did Usain get? FirstLast Click HereHere
Congratulations you have escaped my Dungeon. Congratulations you have escaped my Dungeon To start over click herehere To end game click herehere