These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Mälardalen, Västerås, Sweden and at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (year 2009/2010). For all other purposes, authors’ written permission is needed! The purpose of these materials is to help students in better understanding of lectures in DSD and not their replacement! NOTICE!
Distributed Software Development
TransfoREMES Alpha prototype by transfoREMES team Supervisor: Aneta Vulgarakis
Table Of Contents Project schedule TransfoREMES demo: o Visual Paradigm - UML eclipse plugin o TransfoREMES application GUI o State chart model o ATL & Transformation rules o Resulting REMES model Basics since last time
Project schedule Spent about 100 hours last week Made a metamodel of UML state chart Defined some UML to REMES transformation rules Implemented the GUI Defined tools to be used for XMI creation and visualization, both for UML state charts and REMES
Visual Paradigm - UML plugin Used for UML modeling Exporting to XMI Free for non-commercial use
Graphical User Interface Simple interface Developed using Java Swing UML models visualized using Visual Paradigm eclipse plugin REMES models visualized using REMES GUI
GUI – Transformation direction Direction: Which model is to be transformed
GUI – Input model Input: The user must select the input model
GUI – Manual Transformations Not all element can be transformed automatically
State chart model – Traffic Lights
ATL ATL: Atlas transformation language Model to model transformation language
ATL model input
Basic Transformation rules REMES UML statecharts entry entry point exit end point edge transition sub mode state
ATL transformation rules Rules: ATL needs transformation rules, to know which element of one model transforms to which element of resulting model.
Resulting REMES model
Since last time… Clearer vision of the project requirements More confident on project success due to some problems that are solved General project status is on track but the fulfillment of current milestone is slightly behind schedule o It is because of the nature of research projects. At the phase of project plan we didn’t have much information.
Since last time…
Since last time… Total hours spent till now is 269 Milestones met: Project plan Requirements Project design Alpha prototype
Any Questions?? Many thanks for your attention