J OURNAL #31 1. What is the rock cycle? 2. Can one type of rock change into another type of rock?
R OCKS The material that makes up the solid parts of the Earth is known as rock. Rock can be a collection of one or more minerals or can be made of solid organic matter. There are 3 major types of rocks
3 M AJOR T YPES OF R OCK 1. Igneous Rock 2. Sedimentary Rock 3. Metamorphic Rock
I GNEOUS R OCK Mean “from fire” Forms from magma or molten rock, cools, and hardens. Magma is lave when it is exposed at Earth’s surface.
S EDIMENTARY R OCK Rock that has been eroded by weather or waves Rock, mineral crystals, and organic matter that is broken down into fragments The sediment is carried away and deposited by water ice and wind. When sediment deposits are compressed or cemented together and harden, sedimentary rock forms.
M ETAMORPHIC R OCK Formed by tremendous pressure and extreme heat Existing rock undergoes these changes to become metamorphic rock
L ET ’ S R EVIEW : What are the 3 major types of rock? How is igneous rock formed? How is sedimentary rock formed? How is metamorphic rock formed?
T HE R OCK C YCLE Rock Cycle- the changes of a rock from one type to another type of rock. Much of the Earth’s continental crust has probably passed through the rock cycle many times during Earth’s history.
P ROPERTIES OF R OCKS Each rock type breaks down and changes differently based on it’s chemical and physical properties. A Geologist named Bowen studied how minerals crystallized from magma He learned that as magma cools, certain minerals tend to crystalize first. Bowen proposed a pattern that explains the order in which minerals form This chart is known as Bowen’s Reaction Series.
B OWEN ’ S REACTION SERIES Bowen’s reaction series - the simplified pattern that illustrates the order in which minerals crystallize from cooling magma according to their chemical composition and melting point. See page 127 Chemical stability- is a measure of the tendency of a chemical compound to maintain its original chemical composition rather than break down to form a different chemical.
L ET ’ S R EVIEW What is rock cycle? Why do rocks break down at different rates? What is Bowen’s reaction series?
L ET ’ S R EVIEW Draw the Rock cycle Describe how a rock changes into a different type of rock.
Y OUR ASSIGNMENT : Draw and COLOR the rock cycle Your drawing must include: A colored picture of each rock type Arrows with an explanation of how the rock type changes Title- “The Rock Cycle”
R UBRIC Color (15 points) Title (5 points) Arrows (10 points) Label: (5 points each) Igneous Rock Sedimentary Rock Metamorphic Rock Magma Volcanoes Erosion Transportation Weathering: wind/rain Deposition Metamorphism Melting Crystallization Cooling Pressure