Helping Trainees to Prepare for the AKT Richard Mumford 3 rd March 14
Reading… The BNF ◦First chapter ◦Main drug classes and recognised side effects. The Oxford Handbook series is an excellent resource. NICE/SIGN guidelines.
Smartphones – always with them! NICE BNF and NICE BNF for Children apps. ‘Greater Glasgow and Clyde GP Antibiotics’ ‘SIGN Guidelines’ app. More and more all the time (perhaps not the American ones)
Exam technique 200 questions in 3 hours is a mean of 54 seconds per question Advise to practise questions under exam conditions. ‘Parking’ 50 questions means having to spend 25 minutes rereading Something about having a guess being better than parking to many
Focussing learning PUNs and DENs PDP Use practice questions to help identify learning needs ◦‘I don’t understand how I failed, I have done thousands of questions…’
Practice Online Pearson Vue tutorial RCGP website New DVD
Courses GP Update Courses ◦Knowledge and AKT Handbook Online access for 12/12 Stats? The timing and the relevance for surface learning…
Other things Get there early, relax! When? Advise them on the organisational questions ◦Some rote learning ◦PM? Study Groups Revision timetable Dyslexia