Let’s Talk Low Mood Week 5
The role of thinking in depression Looking for alternative explanations and challenging negative thinking Positive self-talk Relaxation Week 5
Feedback from Weekly Tasks How did you find the weekly tasks of monitoring your thoughts? How is your behavioural activation going? Are you remembering to relax? Any comments or questions?
Reviewing the thinking process Step 1: Identify the thought
Behaviour Thoughts I have no friends No one likes me Physical Emotional
Step 2: Evidence Recording Sheet I have no friends. and No one likes me. 90%
Finding the evidence Imagine you are a judge in a court; the EVIDENCE FOR and AGAINST the thought needs to be examined Using the ‘evidence recording sheet’, you need to write down: The evidence which SUPPORTS the thought being true The evidence which does NOT support the thought being true
Tips for collecting evidence Use ONLY factual evidence. To find evidence ask yourself – if my best friend or partner were giving evidence, what would they say? If you rate the thought as 75%, then there is 25% that you do not believe the thought…what makes up this 25%?? Use only one thought at a time. Keep your evidence specific to the thought in the situation.
Collecting evidence Collect evidence against the thought “No one likes me. I have no friends” Group discussion
Helpful Questions Is there anyone at work who seems to like to be around you? Do neighbours ever talk to you? Do you meet up with your family members ever? – Do you have a pet? Record the evidence for and against on the flipchart
I have no friends. and No one likes me. 90% Re-rate belief of ‘I have no friends’ in light of the evidence Step 2: Evidence Recording Sheet
Challenging Negative Thinking Individually… Take a thought that you have rated a belief in that is higher than 60% and causing you distress On the ‘evidence recording sheet’ in your pack write down your thought and percentage of belief at the top of the page Come up with evidence for and against
Step 3: >>> Now you need to reconsider the thought in the light of evidence collected. Come up with an alternative thought and write it in the next column of the thought diary. Rate how much you believe in the alternative thought. In the final column rate your feeling again using the same 0-100% scale.
Thought Diary 2 What happened (Trigger Situation) What I felt like (“one word” emotion). and Rating What I thought (thought or image in my mind) Evidence for the thought Evidence against the thought What else I could have thought (Alternative Thought) Feeling Rating
Thought Challenging Unhelpful thinking takes time to change Ask people you trust to help you look for evidence for/against your thoughts Ask people in this group to help you Practise, practise and practise some more….
Soothing Self-Talk What we say to ourselves in stressful situations is crucial for how we feel about the situation If you make a point of using positive self-statements you will realise there is a difference in how you feel Ask yourself would you talk like this to a good friend? So, aim to be positive, compassionate and caring for yourself
Whiteboard Exercise What examples of positive self talk can you come up with? Print sheet off for everyone
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Week 5 Summary The Role of Thinking in Depression Looking for alternative explanations and challenging negative thinking Positive Self-Talk Relaxation Any Questions
Weekly Tasks Review your SMART goals Behavioural Activation diary to address your work-life balance Complete Thought Diary Practise positive self-talk Continue relaxation exercises