The Basis for Effective Senates Foothill College
Basis for Senate Power? It’s the Law! 1. Education Code 2. Title 5 Regulations
California Ed Code Laws resulting from legislation Laws resulting from legislation Requires legislation to be changed Requires legislation to be changed Always supercedes Title 5 regulation Always supercedes Title 5 regulation Governance was amended by AB 1725 in 1988 Governance was amended by AB 1725 in 1988 “The Governing Board shall... ensure... the right of the Academic Senates to assume primary responsibility for making recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards.” (70902)
§53203Title 5 Powers (b) Policies in (a) shall be adopted through collegial consultation with the Academic Senate. (c) Guarantees the Academic Senate the right to meet with or appear before the Board – in addition to consultation
Academic and Professional Matters (aka the ) 1. Curriculum + pre-requisites. 2. Degree + certificate requisites. 3. Grading policies 4. Educational program development 5. Standards/policies regarding student preparation + success 6. College governance structures as related to faculty roles 7. Faculty roles in accreditation 8. Policies: faculty development 9. Processes: program review 10. Processes: planning + budget Plus 1 Other academic + professional matters as mutually agreed upon -Title 5, section (c)
What Does All of This Mean? The Senate has primacy over areas involving 1-5 and must mutually agree to numbers The Senate has primacy over areas involving 1-5 and must mutually agree to numbers How do we do this? How do we do this? – Resolutions – Discussions with and presentations to the board – Committee work – Liaisons with FA and other organizations – Serving as the voice of academic and professional matters on campus in meetings with administration
Collegial Consultation The district governing board shall develop policies on academic & professional matters through either or both of these: 1.Rely primarily upon the advice & judgment of the Academic Senate, Or 2. Board/Senate shall reach mutual agreement by written resolution, regulation or policy
Title 5§53203 (d) (1) When rely primarily: (d) (1) When rely primarily: the recommendation of the Academic Senate will normally be accepted, and only in exceptional circumstances and for compelling reasons will they not be accepted. (d) (2) When mutually agree: and an agreement has not been reached Existing policy remains in effect except in cases of legal liability or fiscal hardship. Board may act - after a good faith effort - only for compelling legal, fiscal, or organizational reasons.
TITLE 5§53203 (e) Academic Senate may assume responsibilities and perform functions as may be delegated by the Governing Board. (f) Appointment of faculty members to college or district committees, task forces, or other groups dealing with academic and professional matters, shall be made by the Academic Senate. — Requires consultation with CEO or designee (in our case, this is usually the Cabinet liaison); these include all committees in areas of tenure, academics, curriculum, and the like but DO NOT include collective bargaining committees (we are distinct from FA)
Education Code -developed and agreed upon jointly -areas include but are not limited to the following § Process for equivalency to minimum qualifications § Hiring criteria for faculty § Administrative retreat rights
Ed Code--Tenure Evaluation § “The faculty’s exclusive representative shall consult with the Academic Senate prior to engaging in collective bargaining regarding these procedures.”
Areas where the Faculty Association shall consult with the Academic Senate § (f) Faculty evaluation procedures § Faculty Service Areas The Senate strives to work with FA in areas that are consultation areas to ensure collegiality; we hold liaison meetings, are included in tenure committee training and evaluation committee meetings, etc
Foothill Senate All faculty are members All faculty are members Not all faculty pay dues, although we encourage all to do so Not all faculty pay dues, although we encourage all to do so Each division entitled to two senators, regardless of size Each division entitled to two senators, regardless of size Senators comprise the executive committee Senators comprise the executive committee Officers comprise the executive council Officers comprise the executive council – Officers: Dolores Davison, president Dolores Davison, president Carolyn Holcroft, VP/CC Chair Carolyn Holcroft, VP/CC Chair Bob Cormia, secretary/treasurer Bob Cormia, secretary/treasurer
Senator Responsibilities Attend meetings regularly Attend meetings regularly Report senate activities to constituents Report senate activities to constituents – Communication will be critical for the next two years Represent your division (not yourself) Represent your division (not yourself) Vote Vote Bring division matters to the senate (10+1) Bring division matters to the senate (10+1)
Senate Procedures “Flexible” Robert’s Rules of Order “Flexible” Robert’s Rules of Order Covered by Brown Act Covered by Brown Act One week advance for agenda item One week advance for agenda item Normally present action item as information item first Normally present action item as information item first Vote by proxy with three day advance in writing Vote by proxy with three day advance in writing
Resources From there you can get links to Ed Code and Title 5 – with search engines. From there you can get links to Ed Code and Title 5 – with search engines. “Empowering Local Senates: Roles & Responsibilities of and Strategies for Effective Senates” (Spring 02) “Empowering Local Senates: Roles & Responsibilities of and Strategies for Effective Senates” (Spring 02) Your Senate president (who is serving on the Relations with Local Senates committee for the Statewide Academic Senate this year) Your Senate president (who is serving on the Relations with Local Senates committee for the Statewide Academic Senate this year)