Research problem: Detecting clusters of activity in Catalonia Regional Quantitative Analysis Research Group Institut d’Economia Aplicada Regional i Pública Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
Enlargement of the EU to the Central and Eastern European Countries, Elimination of textile quotas between WTO members. reinforcement of the relocation processes of industries from west to east. Objective: Delimitate those areas that could be more affected by relocation processes of high risk delocalization sectors in Catalonia Geographic unit: Local Labour Systems –LLS – (aggregation of municipalities according to commuting flows. Problem: Modifiable Areal Unit Problem) 1. Motivation and objectives
Population: 15,47% Total GDP: 18,43% Employment in service sectors: 15,9% Employment in industrial sectors: 25,04% Source: INE, 2001 What fraction represents Catalonia in Spain in terms of…
2. Data Employment in each municipality of Catalonia with a 2-digit level of sectoral disaggregation - NACE-Rev 1.1. (60 sectors), 2001 (Idescat) Input-output table of Catalonia, 2001
2. Methodology 1. Determine those sectors in Catalonia with a higher risk of delocalization according to: 1. Existing literature 2. Closure of establishments between 2001 and Input-output relations 2. Compute for each risk sector and LLS the LOCATION QUOTIENTS (employment data): Employment in sector j and LLS i Total employment in LLS i Total employment in sector j Total employment in Catalonia >1: LLS i is more specialized in industry j than Catalonia
2. Methodology Select high risk LLS according to: Using the LISA cluster map: select the significant high-high values! BUT: Significant HH values do not correspond with those areas with a higher location quotient!
3. Research problem: Example: Manufacturing of textiles
4. Question Is there any other technique in the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis to detect the particular areas that form a cluster of activity???