Monitoring During Anaesthesia &Critical State Dr.M.Kannan MD DA Professor And HOD Department of Anaesthesiology Tirunelveli Medical College
Why should Monitor Predict The Critical Incidence Detrimental To Life -Hypotension/Hypertension -Hypoxia/Hypercapnia - Cardiac output -Hypothermia/Hyperthermia -Blood Chemistry -PO2,PCO2,Ph,Serum electrolyte Correct the defect Immediately
Cardio Respiratory Function Pulse Blood Pressure Oxygen Saturation Cardiac Rhythm Central venous Pressure Pulmonary Wedge Pressure Cardiac Output
Blood Pressure
Oxygen Saturation
Cardiac Rhythm
End Tidal CO 2
Central Venous Pessure
How to Enter into Right Atrium Internal Juglar Vein Subclavian vein Femoralvein Arm vein External Juglar vein
Central Venous Pessure
Advatages of CVP Monitoring central venous pressure in patients with hypovolemia and shock Infusion of caustic drugs Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) Aspiration of air emboli Insertion of transcutaneous pacing leads Venous access in patients with poor peripheral veins
Pulmonary Artery Catheter Swan Ganz Catheter
Advantages Pulmnary venous Pressure Measure cardiac output via the thermodilution method Assess the volume status of a patient Measure mixed venous oxygen content Derive hemodynamic indices Detect venous air embolism
Oesophageal ECHO
Renal Function Urine out put Hourly
Temperature Core temperature Tympanic Membrane Oesophagus Rectum