Memory Chapter 6
Remembering Three processes: Encoding Storage (consolidation) Retrieval
The Atkinson-Shiffrin model: information processing memory model 3 different, interacting memory systems: 1. sensory memory 2. short-term memory 3. long-term memory
Sensory memory The memory system that holds information from the senses for a fraction of a second to 2 seconds Acts like a strainer X B D F M P Z G L C N H
Short-term Memory (STM) Very limited capacity- 7 (+ or – 2) different items of bits of information for < 30 seconds Displacement Chunking
Rehearsal Process to increase duration of short- term memory distractions
Elaborative rehearsal Best for use with complex information Relating new information to something you already know
Short-term memory as working memory The memory system where you work on information to understand it, remember it, to solve a problem, to communicate with someone
Memory strategies The “work’ that goes on in the working memory Manipulating information to make it easier to remember What strategies do you use? How did you learn multiplication table sin elementary school?
Long-term memory (LTM) Person’s vast storehouse of permanent or relatively permanent memories No known limit of numbers of LTM, may last a lifetime
LTM Divisions 1. Declarative memory 2. Episodic memory 3. Semantic memory 4. Nondeclarative memory priming
Alternative model: levels- of-processing model Craik and Lockhart (1972) Whether one remembers something for a few seconds or a lifetime depends on how deeply they process information
Three kinds of memory tasks: 1. Recall 2. Recognition 3. Relearning
Recall Do you do well on essay tests? You are required to recall a lot of information. Produce required information simply by searching the memory Ex. Someone’s name, grocery list Retrieval cue
Recognition Identifying material as familiar or as having been encountered before
Relearning More sensitive way to remember Expressed as the % of time saved when the material is relearned compared with time required to learn material originally Savings score