1 Sustainability Team Update New Student Sustainability Network established ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ food cooking demonstration Development of a framework to better understand and define sustainability in learning and teaching Co-ordination and development of an international reporting/strategy/benchmarking sustainability tool for the sector Co-ordination of the upcoming ACTS conference Journal article regarding sustainability and business education Sustainability Annual Report near completion 180 metre creek vegetation corridor commenced in April Developing new management program for the University lake and summer algae blooms
2 Update Cont. Final stages of restoration project grant in Fauna Park Bush tucker garden completed Autumn arboretum guided walk undertaken with community Engagement of interns - working on schools arboretum, polystyrene recycling and review of NABERS rating tool Improving the Sustainability website Integration of "sustainability" into new procedures frameworks and document templates being developed in Property Project Managing round two submission to the Green Building Council Australia for the University Library
3 Update Cont. Providing Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) "specialist" input in the new Hearing Hub developments Developing an ESD Strategy for "property" to be submitted as part of our requirements to the Department of Planning under the Concept Plan (involves the review of targets for new buildings on Campus). Installing water sub- meters and flow restrictors associated across campus. Rolling out of electrical sub meters at all buildings on Campus.
4 SRN Wrap Up Quarterly reporting – now Biannual with reports due in July and December Sustainability representative poster SRN 2010 Highlights Report – being distributed to Heads of Department Grant funding applications Next Meeting – 2 August Tuesday, 2011 McKenzie Room, Level 3 Campus Hub