Museum Entrance Geography History Culture LanguageGermany Curator’s Offices Back Wall Artifact
Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked address] My name is Anna Vequist, I am a sophomore at Emporia State University studying Elementary Education. I am interested in doing a museum about Germany because I took 3 years of it in high school. Anna Vequist Place your picture here. Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry
Room 1 Return to Entry Geography
Room 2 Return Entrance Artifact 6History
Room 3 Return to Entry Language
Room 4 Return to Entry Artifact 14Culture
Germany is about the size of Montana making it the 7 th larges country in Europe and borders Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and France. The capitol of Germany is Berlin. Return Exhibhit Geography
Natzi A definite moment in history that occurred in Germany refers to the period from January 30, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany- to May 8, During this time, Jews in Europe were subjected to progressively harsher persecution that ultimately led to the murder of 6,000,000 Jews.After the war, the Nazi party officials faced war crimes and the country began re-building the country. Unfortunately, political negotiations between the western and eastern allies failed. So, they built a solid concrete wall and used barbed wires, in order to separate the city of Berlin in West Germany was governed by the western allies, the U.S. and East Germany was controlled by the communist regime of the Soviet Union, where the people suffered once again. Return to Exhibit History
Flag The official language of Germany is German, with over 95% of the population speaking German as their first language. Many common phrases include Hallo, meaning hello, Wie geht es dir? meaning How are you, and Auf Wiedersehen meaning Bye. Return to Exhibit Language
Culture In the field of music, Germany claims some of the most renowned classical composers of the world including Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, who marked the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music. Germany has been the home of many famous inventors and engineers, such as Johannes Gutenberg, who is credited with the invention of movable type printing in Europe. Albert Einstein was also born here, one of the known fathers of modern day physics. Return to Exhibit Culture
Mercedes-Binz Germany has the largest national economy in Europe, and the fourth largest in the world. Some materials they are known for are cars (BMW, Volkswagen), precision engineering, and pharmaceutical products, just to name a few. Return to Exhibit Back Wall Artifact