Introduction to bibliographic software and Mendeley Anyone can use this - just put your name here
Introduction to Mendeley [1] How do you currently manage references for reports / assignments? Make a list with person sitting next to you of three things you find difficult [ 5 mins ]
Introduction to Mendeley [2] Why do we use bibliographic software? Input references manually, import from bibliographic databases or the Web Store and retrieve records using a sophisticated retrieval interface Works with your word processor to integrate references directly from your databases into your word documents Choose from citation styles used by unversities, professional institutions and publishers to produce citations in text and bibliographies at the end of your work Share references with colleagues and publish your own databases on the Web
Introduction to Mendeley [3] Why choose Mendeley? It's is free - basic version Mendeley is a good bibliographic database, provides a desktop version for your PC / Laptop and a web version Mendeley synchronises desktop and web versions. Access your databases away from your own computer, over the Web Mendeley is good with pdfs, automatically extracting bibliographic information from pdfs on import Mendeley can import existing databases from EndNote, CiteULike, 2collab and Zotero, or any database in RIS format
Introduction to Mendeley [4] Why choose Mendeley? Mendeley provides a plugin to integrate with Microsoft Word and Open Office Mendeley provides the facility for you to collaborate over the web to create group bibliographies Mendeley provides a space for you to create an online profile to share research interests and network Mendeley has a database of 73M+ references you can search and suggests related references for your search results