Aquatic I spy waves crashing on a rocky shore, A purple nudibranch crawling on the ocean floor, And an orange fish nestled protectively between the stinging arms of a purple anemone.
Temperate Deciduous Forest I spy a red and orange forest reflected in a lake, A little black bear sitting in a tree, And a pileated woodpecker chiseling its home in the side a pine tree.
Desert I spy sandy dunes as far as the eye can see, Seven camels in a single-file line, And a bunch of dates still growing on a palm-like tree.
Tropical Rain Forest I spy two green trees climbing towards a blue- gray sky, Two little ants busily carrying a leaf, And a bright green snake with long and curvy white lines.
Tundra I spy a mountain range capped with snow, A little white fox sitting on the ground, And six tundra swans swimming in a lake.
Grasslands I spy red and green fields of grass, Bunches of yellow coneflowers on green stalks, And a black and white stripped zebra standing alone against a blue sky.
Taiga I spy cone-shaped trees and snow capped mountains amid green fields dotted with white, A black and furry fisher sitting in snow, And a grouse perched on a snow flaked branch.