NYC-ARECS Data Network Mark Phillips, NI2O/G7LTT/ex-KC2ENI
Project Goals Increase product range Aid in member training Augment local data facilities Learn something
How we gonna do it? Install Packet Radio data systems in key locations and link them all together. Link our system to the Internet and other networks.
How does it work? All network nodes will run TCP/IP Users connect via 6mtrs/2mtrs/70cms using either IP or AX25. Connections via nodes made in the IP domain to conserve bandwidth. Usual network facilities available plus: –APRS, Internet, Converse,
Technology PC based servers at nodes. Minimum 9k6 backbone on 220Mhz –user access denied Modem only solutions where possible. Linux running JNOS on servers.
What do we need? More sites. More equipment. More users. More $$$.
How can you help? Donate equipment if you have it. Manpower. –Documentation, installation, technical Educate members. –How do we use the system? Educate customers. –How can we further help them? Use the system!
Current Status 3 sites already. Downtown Manhattan, North Shore S.I & Astoria, Queens Equipment Downtown site. Equipment collected for SI Site. Awaiting install. Equipment collected for OEM. Equipment being collected for Bronx
Who to contact. Project Manager - Mark - Site Coordinator - Charlie - Equipment Quarter Master - Mark - Technical Manager - Mark - Tea Maker - As yet undefined - apply G7LTT Treasurer - As yet undefined - apply G7LTT Anything else I’ve forgotten - apply G7LTT