Hanna Goes Social seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly; sociable; gregarious. Social [soh-shuh l] - noun
Today’s Topics Hanna Company Overview The Hanna Customer Our Marketing Mix The Role of Social Media Facebook Show & Tell
Hanna Company Overview 25+ years old –Started by a Swedish founder and husband “at the kitchen table” Quality Childrens Clothing –From babies to ~10 years old –Unique design “that’s a hanna!” –Organic cotton & Oeko Tek Multi-channel retailer –Award-winning catalog –E-commerce –23 full-line stores & 5 outlets New! Wholesale Market –Nordstrom and Costco
The Hanna Customer Primarily female audience 60% have children in the household She’s relatively affluent – 36% of the households have incomes over $100,000 She’s educated – over 50% have college degrees; over 24% have advanced degrees. She’s the decision maker, arbiter, and tastemaker for a multitude of family purchases.
Our Marketing Mix Catalogs –Role: Primary marketing vehicle to potential and existing customers. s –Role: Timely updates on new products and promotions to our existing customers. Online Marketing –Role: Online world “reminder” to drive existing and potential customers to our site. Retail Postcard Mailings –Role: Invitations to special store events to our Retail trade area customers. Outreach (i.e. PR, mall marketing) –Role: Reinforcements for brand awareness.
Role of Social Media?
Social Media: Influences Buying Throughout the Process
Social Media: Provides “peer vs own” feedback Forming an opinion with others input – key for “new moms”
Why Facebook for Hanna? Reaches 65% of all Moms online in the U.S. –~17MM Moms with an average of 2 kids at home Facebook moms typically; –Have babies and toddlers at home (versus older kids) –Have a higher income –Skew younger –Spend 95% more time on Facebook than Twitter
Facebook Highlights Launched June 24 th –As of February 1 = 11,756 (but whose counting?) and Home Pages key drivers to announcement
Hanna Facebook Features Our Objective: –Foster a more emotional connection by reinforcing our brand character –Host conversations between fans to create peer feedback –Receive feedback Tactic: –Upload fan photos –Sneak Peak videos –Questions to elicit talk about their kids –Special contests/promotions –Moms helping Moms –Direct from Hanna answers –Listening via Discussion Boards and posts
Show and Tell of Hanna Site
Facebook Visitor Trends Facebook launches
Facebook – Before & After 2 nd most visited after leaving Hanna One of the top 10 sites visited before Hanna
Summary & Questions