Jesus Loves Me Jesus loves me (echo) This I know (echo) For the Bible (echo) Tells me so (echo) He’s the best J-E-S-U-S
Jesus loves me (echo) He who died (echo) Heavens gates are (echo) Open Wide (echo) He’s the best J-E-S-U-S
Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble? Did you feel the mountains tremble? Did you hear the oceans roar? When the people rose to sing of Jesus Christ the risen one
Did you feel the people tremble? Did you hear the singers roar? When the lost began to sing of Jesus Christ the saving one
And we can see that God You’re moving A mighty river through the nations A mighty river through the nations And young and old will turn to Jesus Fling wide you heavenly gates Prepare the way of the risen Lord
CHORUS: Open up the doors and let the music play Let the streets resound with singing Songs that bring Your hope And songs that bring Your joy Dancers who dance upon injustice
Do you feel the darkness tremble? When all the saints join in one song? And all the streams flow as one river To wash away our brokenness
And here we see that God You’re moving A time of jubilee is coming When young and old return to Jesus Fling wide You heavenly gates Prepare the way of the risen Lord
CHORUS: Open up the doors and let the music play Let the streets resound with singing Songs that bring Your hope And songs that bring Your joy Dancers who dance upon injustice
Did you feel the mountains tremble? Did you hear the oceans roar? When the people rose to sing of Jesus Christ the risen one Martin Smith. ©1995 Curious? Music U.K. ARR/UBP/ICS. ccli #
Blessed Be Your Name In the land that is plentiful Where Your streams of abundance flow Blessed be Your name
And blessed be Your name When I’m found in the desert place Though I walk through the wilderness Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out I’ll turn back to praise And when the darkness closes in, Lord Still I will say
CHORUS: Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be Your name When the sun’s shining down on me When the world's “all as it should be” Blessed be Your name
And blessed be Your name On the road marked with suffering Though there’s pain in the offering Blessed be Your name
Every blessing you pour out I’ll turn back to praise And when the darkness closes in, Lord still I will say
CHORUS: Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away My heart will choose to say Lord, blessed be Your Name
CHORUS: Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name Matt & Beth Redman. ©2002 Kingsway’s Thankyou Music. ARR/UBP/ICS. ccli#
experiencing life …exploring truth… together
Looking for answers? Join Us... on a Journey of Discovery Alpha kicks off … Thur October 11, 2007 Beth’s place 6:30 pm When Where Time
experiencing life …exploring truth… together
Grace Like Rain Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found Was blind but now I see so clearly
CHORUS: Hallelujah, grace like rain Falls down on me Hallelujah, all my stains are washed Away, washed away
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed
CHORUS: Hallelujah, grace like rain Falls down on me Hallelujah, all my stains are washed Away, washed away
When we've been there Ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun We've no less days to sing Your praise Than when we first begun
CHORUS: Hallelujah, grace like rain Falls down on me Hallelujah, all my stains are washed Away, washed away (Repeat)
HallelujahHallelujahHallelujah Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away They're washed away John Newton, Chris Collins, Edwin O. Excell, Todd Agnew. ©2003 Ardent/Koala Music (Admin. by Ardent Music LLC) Chris Collins Publishing. ARR/UBP/ICS.
Knowing You All I once held dear, built my life upon All this world reveres and wars to own All I once thought gain I have counted loss Spent and worthless now Compared to this
CHORUS: Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You There is no greater thing You’re my all, You’re the best You’re my joy, my righteousness And I love You, Lord
Now my heart’s desire Is to know You more To be found in You and known as Yours To possess by faith What I could not earn All surpassing gift of righteousness
CHORUS: Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You There is no greater thing You’re my all, You’re the best You’re my joy, my righteousness And I love You, Lord
Oh to know the power of Your risen life And to know You in Your sufferings To become like You In Your death, my Lord So with You to live and never die
CHORUS: Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You There is no greater thing You’re my all, You’re the best You’re my joy, my righteousness And I love You, Lord Graham Kendrick. ©1993 Make Way Music. ARR/UBP/ICS. ccli #
experiencing life …exploring truth… together
Ends of the Earth Love unfailing Overtaking my heart You take me in Finding peace again Fear is lost in all You are
And I would give the world to tell Your story Cause I know that You've called me I know that You've called me
I've lost myself for good within Your promise I won't hide it I won't hide it
Jesus, I believe in You And I would go to the ends of the earth To the ends of the earth For You alone are the Son of God And all the world will see That You are God You are God Hillsong United
experiencing life …exploring truth… together