I wrote this project to tell you about my friend, About his hobbies and character КАРЛОВА Т.А
I study with this BOY AT THE SAME class. We HAVE knowN each other since a kindergarten. My friend and I are in THE SAME group AT THE ENGLISH LESSONS. We DO many interesting things together. КАРЛОВА Т.А
He likes to listen to music, play computer games. My friend likes group “ Linkin park”. КАРЛОВА Т.А
He is brainy with a sense of humor. We have a good laugh together. it is pleasant to spend time With him. It is not boring. he is responsible. КАРЛОВА Т.А
This is Alexei. I think he is my best friend. We respect each other, and can tell our secrets, we can stand by each other. I’m never bored with him. Alexei and I cheer each other up in different situations. КАРЛОВА Т.А
Comments Comments The idea of your project is rather interesting. This project is done better than the previous one. But give a full portrait of your friend, please. КАРЛОВА Т.А