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College and career readiness Focused and coherent Rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Based on evidence and research Internationally benchmarked **The standards in mathematics will rely more heavily on conceptual understanding of mathematical processes and the learning experience will include more application opportunities.**
Standards Daily Instruction and Feedback Differentiate Instruction Help sessions Communication High Expectations Safe Learning Environment
Provide a place/time for homework Check over Homework/Discuss Vocabulary Read s and discuss with student Have school supplies (pencil, paper, etc) Ask your student nightly what they learned in math Know when tests are scheduled (class website) Encourage your student to teach you Keep teacher informed of /phone changes
Prepare daily for class Bring materials to class Do ALL homework Show work on all assignments Take notes Ask Questions Read Directions Study Daily for quizzes/assessments Work from Bell to Bell Use Resources Be in school daily
Binder/notebook dedicated to math Compass Protractor Ruler Notebook Paper Graph Paper Pencils with erasers (Several packages) Erasers Red Pens (for checking/correcting work) AAA batteries (for calculators) Math SUPPLIES
Requested within five (5) school days after receiving the original graded test. The original graded test, correct, and with a parent signature must be returned. Recorded grade will be (up to 80%) will be recorded. ALL assignments, study guides, homework, and projects must be completed and turned in before requesting a retake. The student must set up a reteach day BEFORE retaking a test. See class website for paperwork and details. OMS Re-Take Policy
7 th grade Thursday morning starting at 8:30am. 8 th grade WEDNESDAY morning starting at 8:30am. Students must have a specific goal in mind. Extra Help Day
Assigned every night. Sometimes the assignment will be started in class. Must be completed in pencil. Must SHOW ALL WORK. Encourage your student to “attempt” all of the problems. Student must check answers on the class website. Reviewed at the beginning of each class
Grading Policy: ◦ Formative Assessments – 20% ◦ Summative Assessments – 80% ◦ EOCT (8 th grade accelerated ONLY) – 20%