Just for fun …
Chapter 4: Review & Preview Review Chapter 3 – Prenatal Development, Birth and the Newborn Baby Childbirth -- stage of childbirth -- APGAR score -- interventions -- premature babies -- infant mortality rate Video: The Baby Human – To Talk Preview Chapter 3 – Prenatal Development, Birth and the Newborn Baby The newborn baby Chapter 4 – Physical Development in Infancy & Toddlerhood Body Growth Brain Development Influences on Early Physical Growth Learning Capacities Motor Development Perceptual Development
APGAR score List the five characteristics assessed by the Apgar Scale, taken at one and five minutes after birth. – A – P – G – A – R On the Apgar Scale, a score of _______ or better indicates that the infant is in good physical condition; a score between _______ and _______ indicates that the baby requires special assistance; a score of _______ or below indicates a dire emergency.
Interventions Explain the purpose of fetal monitoring. True or False: Some form of medication is used in more than 80 percent of births in the United States. What is a cesarean delivery?
Premature Babies Babies are considered premature if they are born ______ weeks or more before the end of a full 38- week pregnancy or if the weigh less than _______ pounds. Distinguish between preterm and small-for-date babies. Of the two types of babies (preterm/small-for-date) infants usually have more serious problems.
Review: The Baby Human – To Talk How do all of the domains – physical, cognitive, and social and emotional – contribute to learning to talk? Research methods used with infants and toddlers. Early learning examples: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, habituation, and imitation.
The Baby Human Classical Conditioning Ba to Da
The Baby Human Operant Conditioning Pheonix and mom The Robot
The Baby Human Habituation Pointing
The Baby Human Imitation EllaEmma
Review: The Baby Human – To Talk T/F Language learning begins once the baby is born. What is meant by universal linguistic listener and culture bound language specialist? T/F Learning to speak is merely a matter of being exposed to a language rich environment. What is the standard progression of speech during the first two years of life? What is meant by motherese/fatherese/parentese?
Chapter 4 Quiz 1)At birth, the _________ is nearer its adult size than any other physical structure, and it continues to develop at an (astounding/slow) pace throughout infancy and toddlerhood. 2)Provide at least three benefits provided by breast milk over formula. a. b. c. 3)(Gross/fine) motor development refers to control over actions that help infants get around in the environment, while (gross/fine) motor development refers to smaller movements. 4)True or False: Vision is one of the best developed senses at birth and experiences little change during infancy and toddlerhood.