Resources for Animal Project Ross Burks Sep 17, 2010
Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Ebsco Kids Search- allows you to type in name of animal and read information and get pictures. Trusted site Britannica Enciclopedia – Allows you to have online access to encyclopedias where you can find classifications, pictures, and information. Trusted site
Wikipedia (WIKI) o Wikepedia is general website that has lots of information and can help you when you are looking for a specific question. Anyone can edit the pages online to update information; therefore it is not always accurate. Not a trusted website
Google Images (GOOGLE) Bing Images (BING) Yahoo Images(YAHOO) Image search can help you find and print out pictures to color and use for your project. May find websites dedicated to your subject or animal. Great for interesting facts Must be careful what you type in the search box Not trusted websites because anyone can post keywords and mislead a search.
Encyclopedia Book Copies are in the library and classroom of Encyclopedias which have animals and articles in them. Trusted source
National Geographic Contains articles, pictures, interesting facts, videos, and classifications of animals. Has web-link that is just for kids to research animals. May purchase cards with animals on it. Trusted source
Mr. Burks Classification Cards Contains information, pictures, classifications, and scientific names. Trusted Source from National Geographic Information is old and not up to date. Cards are not allowed to leave room 209 (They belong to me).
Other sources and key words to try Coloring books, Animal Planet, Taxonomy, Classification of living things, and anything else you are looking for. Cursive writing practice andwriting.htm dn_style_font/cursive/ andwriting.htm dn_style_font/cursive/