Nile Crocodile by: Dominic What’s up? Do you want to learn about one special, amazing, fantastic reptile called the Nile crocodile? If you do then this is the report for you!
Classification Do you want to know how the Nile crocodile is classified? If you do then this is the paragraph for you! The first reason they are reptiles because they are born from eggs. Another reason they are reptiles because they are cold blooded and they have scaly skin. So that is about Nile crocodile classification.
Habitat Hey do you want to know about Nile crocodile habitat? If you do then come on in and sit on my couch if you want to listen. they can live in streams,rivers,swaps and of course the Nile river. So that’s about Nile crocodile habitat!
Life Cycle What’s up? Do you want to know about Nile crocodile life cycle? If you do then hatch over here if you want to listen. The Nile crocodile mother lays her eggs under the sand. She lays more than one egg. The mother crocodile keeps the nest by the Nile river far away. So that’s about Nile crocodile life cycle!
Adaptations Hey do you want to know about Nile crocodile physical and behavioral adaptations? If you do slowly crawl over here if you want to listen! The Nile crocodile has physical and behavioral Adaptations. The Nile crocodile has sharp teeth to grab and rip prey up. The Nile crocodile waits really quietly for prey to come and grab it.
conclusion hope you enjoyed my report! If you want to learn more go to the library and get a Nile crocodile book!
Resources used niloticu bytes/animalia/eumetazoa/coelomates/deuterostomes/chordata/craniata/reptilia/crocodylia/nile- crocodile.htm Nile crocodile by: Sandra Markel