INVITATION TO TENDER PROCEDURE INVITATION TO TENDER PROCEDURE IT–4134/EN/LHC Supply and Commissioning of HVAC Systems for Five LHC Surface Buildings B. Jenssen
Key dates Invitation to Tender issued: Compulsory bidders’ conference: Bids to be returned to CERN by 12 November 2015 – 4:00 pm (uploaded) Contract negotiation and notification Contract award: March 2016 Installation September 2016 to March 2017 Commissioning completed by May 2017 B. Jenssen
IT documents Tender form with Annex A “Price breakdown; Technical specification + annexes “Selection and Adjudication criteria for Supply Contract” dated August 2015 Working on the CERN site General Conditions for Invitations to Tender CERN/FC/5312-I/Rev. General Conditions of CERN Contracts CERN/FC/5312-II/Rev. B. Jenssen
Clarification Process Requests for clarification should be received earlier than 2 November 2015 All questions shall be addressed in writing to Please put: cc: B. Jenssen
Clarification Process CERN’s response will be sent to all bidders, including the request for clarification but without identifying its source Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of the Cover letter with bid shall acknowledge each individual CERN clarification correspondence received B. Jenssen
Selection and Adjudication Criteria Adjudication basis: The contract shall be awarded on a « lowest compliant* » basis to the bidder whose bid complies with the technical, financial and delivery requirements and is the lowest** *Note On a FCA basis, if the ratio of DAP price of the lowest FCA bid to the lowest DAP bid doesn’t exceed 1.10; On a DAP basis, if the above-mentioned ratio exceeds ** Subject to the rules aiming at achieving well balanced industrial return coefficient for Member States (MS) PB= Poorly Balanced WB= Well Balanced B. Jenssen
Selection and Adjudication Criteria Selection and adjudication criteria – Concept Improve the distribution of our purchases among CERN MS The country of origin is the country where the supplies (including their components and sub-assemblies) are manufactured or undergo the last major transformation by the contractor or his sub- contractor(s). Industrial return coefficient: The ratio between that Member State's percentage share of all purchases of supplies (excluding purchases funded by non-Member States) during the preceding four calendar years and that State's percentage contribution to the budget over the same period. Well balanced Member states: BU - CH – FR – HU – IT - PT The tender shall be treated as that from a poorly balanced PB MS provided that the value of supplies originating in one or more PB MS is not less than 60 % of the total amount of the contract. B. Jenssen
Basis of award The alignment rules 1- Lowest bidder from PB MS Contract awarded 2- Lowest bidder from well balanced (WB) MS (If bid from PB MS is within a difference of < 20% negotiations) 1st bidder from PB MS aligns awarded the Contract If not - 2 nd bidder from PB (within 20%) aligns awarded Contract If not – Contract awarded to lowest bidder B. Jenssen
Price Basis All prices shall be quoted in CHF or EUR or the preferred currency of the bidder (if you wish to be paid in this currency), free of taxes, not subject to revision Report the total prices for each of the five buildings indicated in Annex A (“Price break-down”) into the tender form. This is a lumps sum contract. A change of the volume will not affect contract price which is fixed. Validity of the bid: 6 months from the closing date. B. Jenssen
ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS (§ 14 General Conditions for Invitations to Tender by CERN) There is no obligation, but we encourage bidders to submit with the bid any alternative solutions in addition to the conforming bid B. Jenssen
VAT Prices shall take into account CERN’s exoneration from VAT and import duties VAT shall be subject to the rules and invoicing instructions as defined under the following link: OR B. Jenssen
PAYMENT CONDITIONS (ref. Tender form § 4) 1 Rating of BBB+ at least and contractor to give written proof of such. B. Jenssen
Penalties I of II (Tender form § 7) B. Jenssen
Penalties II of II (Tender form § 7) B. Jenssen
Return Date Bids shall be RECEIVED by CERN (uploaded): 12 November P.M at the latest B. Jenssen
Contact for Information Bjorn Jenssen Tel: Fax: Always put in cc: B. Jenssen