2/18/2016I. Ravinovich1 HBD Run-10 data analysis I. Ravinovich WIS.


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Presentation transcript:

2/18/2016I. Ravinovich1 HBD Run-10 data analysis I. Ravinovich WIS

Fast production status So far there are 28 runs produced by the production crew that are usable for the HBD calibration and analysis. Tony has modified the RICH and TEC part of ‘compactCNT’ library such that if the current run is not in RCF DB the code downloads the calibrations from the run Also there are no more crashes, fixed by Tony. The transfer “problem” from dCache at RCF to WIS has been solved, I’ve transferred those 28 runs to our cluster. These runs contain 45.2M peripheral events before applying any offline vertex cut. Number of the events that I’ve been analyzed applying +/- 20 cm vertex cut is 28.8M, ~64%. Selection of the events done for this production results on the average number of Central Arms tracks ~10 which corresponds to centrality > 55%. Pad by pad calibration constants were derived by Mihael and the gains for each run and for each module were extracted. 2/18/2016I. Ravinovich2

Quality of the electron sample Vertex: for HBD analysis we usually use +/-20 cm, so the good fraction of the events will be thrown away DC track quality: usually for electron analysis we use (31||51||63). Perhaps DC experts should comment whether the quality distribution looks reasonable According to Taku all RICH distributions looks as usual Matching to EMC looks OK And finally E/p made with usual quality and RICH cuts, looks fine 2/18/2016I. Ravinovich3

HBD performance using Dalitz pairs: response from singles Restricted areaNot restricted area 2/18/2016I. Ravinovich4

HBD performance using Dalitz pairs: response from doubles Restricted areaNot restricted area 2/18/2016I. Ravinovich5

Mass spectra from this sample 2/18/2016I. Ravinovich6

What are the next steps? We are working on determination of the hadron rejection factor. We need to align the modules geometrically, for that we need a long zero field run in forward bias mode. I will continue transfer the fast production data to WIS in order to increase the statistics and looking at efficiency. Since the detector looks fine in peripheral events we have to move our COG more to central events. I’ll measure the number of scintillation p.e. per pad in these peripheral events as I did it in Run-7. That will be used for the tests of the clustering algorithm in more central events where the detector occupancy is extremely high. 2/18/2016I. Ravinovich7