Things about Africa… By:Mieah Brooks
Population….. More than 680,000,000 live in Africa!! The population of this country is currently expanding!
Religion…. In northern Africa the religion is mostly Muslim. Some times the religion is Christian, Catholic,or Animist
Culture Masai men may have more than one Masai men wife. The Masai is traditionally a semi nomadic tribe.they live off their cattle most exclusively.
Language families.. The four main language families are afro- Asiatic,Niger-Congo,Nilo- Saharan,and Khoisan. There has been at least 1,000 different languages identified in Africa.
African flags….. South Africa's flag consist of two horizontal stripes of equal width – red on the top and blue on the bottom.the red and the blue stripes are separated by a green middle stripe which is bordered with white and splits into a horizontal Y. The south African flag was adopted on April 1994 after Nelson Mandela was elected president.