A life-changing story of invention for people with diabetes Dan Quinn 21
Introduction and Definition An Insulin Pump is a machine that delivers certain amounts of INSULIN, a hormone that helps muscles receive glucose (a type of sugar), just under the skin. Insulin is required for the treatment of people who have the medical condition of type 1 (insulin- dependent) diabetes. Without Insulin many people with Diabetes would go blind, lose limbs and quite often die. There are many ways to deliver the insulin to people with diabetes, such as needles and nasal sprays, but the most recent invention in insulin delivery is the insulin pump.
Invention and Innovation Now the first ever pump was made in the 1960's and was rather like a backpack giving the name "the big blue brick" and was shockingly expensive, sadly having almost no settings the big blue brick was almost a danger, but like some creations from Apple, it's innovations kept on getting smaller and smaller and getting more and more functions but unlike the Apple creations which go up with each innovation, the prices almost stayed the same. Nowadays pumps have bolus calculators, alarm clocks, language settings, sensors capable of reading B.S.L.'s, basal settings as well as compatibility with computers which can give an insight upon the pump settings. These new settings can enable the life of diabetic to be easier. but of course there is always room for improvement. I myself would recommend a more improved sensor that instead of measuring interstitial fluid it measures the actual blood itself as well as a wired or improved wireless connection to the pump